
Demo video

Flocker PipelineDB demo

Step 1 - Provision Cluster

  • Install 3 node Flocker-Swarm cluster with 1 Control Node and 2 Agent Nodes. If you choose to create the stack manually, please restart Docker on Agent Node 1 with a tag flocker-node==1, and Agent Node 2 with tag flocker-node==2 (by adding --label flocker-node=${node_number} to DOCKER_OPTS variable in /etc/default/docker).

Please run below steps from the client node.

Step 2 - Prepare Client

  • Set DOCKER_HOST to point to Swarm Manager (export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://

  • git clone https://github.com/myechuri/flocker-pipelinedb.git

Step 3 - Start PipelineDB server on Agent Node 1

  • cd flocker-pipelinedb

  • Start PipelineDB server on Agent Node 1:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-node1.yml up
  • Connect to PipelineDB server on Agent Node 1, create database twitter with static stream tweets, and a continuous view tagstream that pulls hashtags from tweets within past one hour.

ubuntu@ip-172-31-7-164:~$ psql -h  -p 5432 -U pipeline 
Password for user pipeline: 
psql (9.3.10, server 9.4.4)
WARNING: psql major version 9.3, server major version 9.4.
         Some psql features might not work.
Type "help" for help.
pipeline=# create database twitter;
pipeline=# \c twitter
psql (9.3.10, server 9.4.4)
WARNING: psql major version 9.3, server major version 9.4.
         Some psql features might not work.
You are now connected to database "twitter" as user "pipeline".
twitter=# create stream tweets ( content json );
twitter=# CREATE CONTINUOUS VIEW tagstream as
twitter-# SELECT json_array_elements(content #>
twitter(# ARRAY['entities','hashtags']) ->> 'text' AS tag
twitter-# FROM tweets
twitter-# WHERE arrival_timestamp > 
twitter-# ( clock_timestamp() - interval '1 hour' );

Step 4 - Generate streaming workload

  • Setup environment for running client workload for PipelineDB:

       sudo apt-get install python-pip
       sudo pip install TwitterAPI
       sudo pip install --upgrade requests
       sudo apt-get build-dep python-psycopg2
       sudo pip install psycopg2
  • Set PIPELINE_SERVER_HOST_IP environment variable to public IP of Agent Node 1.

  • Set Twitter OAuth information to run workload. Please set CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET environment variables (reference: TwitterAPI documentation).

  • Start workload generator.

       python generate-workload.py

Let it run for a few minutes, then terminate.

Step 5 - Verify workload reached PipelineDB

  • Connect to PipelineDB server on Agent Node 1, and verify workload reached the server.

twitter=# select * from tagstream limit 5;

Step 6 - Relocated PipelineDB to Agent Node 2

  • Stop PipelineDB server on Agent Node 1

docker-compose -f docker-compose-node1.yml stop
docker-compose -f docker-compose-node1.yml rm -f
  • Move PipelineDB server to Agent Node 2 by Docker Composing up with a manifest constraining it to Agent Node 2.

docker-compose -f docker-compose-node2.yml up

Step 7 - Verify state persisted across relocation

  • Connect to PipelineDB server on Agent Node 2, then select from tagstream - you should see the same output as in Step 5.

twitter=# select * from tagstream limit 5;


This demo is based on PipelineDB workflow suggested in this blogpost.


This demo is made possible by: