
example spec files to launch a Mongo replica's on Kubernetes powered by kubernetes or emptydir

Primary LanguageMakefile

Running a Mongo Replica Set on Kubernetes


  • A Kubernetes cluster
  • Flocker installed

1. setup environment variables in your local client terminal

export KUBECONFIG=clusters/<NAME OF K8s CLUSTER>/kubeconfig

2. replace the following variables in the Makefile

CONTROL_DNS=<Flocker Control DNS>

3. create volumes

I created a make file to make creation of volumes easier based on how many active mongo pods are currently deployed`

$ make create-volume

# flockerctl --control-service=ec2-52-86-240-175.compute-1.amazonaws.com create -m name=flockermongorc-3 -s 100G --node=ec570512
# created dataset in configuration, manually poll state with 'flocker-volumes list' to see it show up.

4. deploy a replica pod

$ make add-replica

This will deploy a pod to your cluster and create a copy of the spec file for you to manually use if needed from a template file.

kubectl create -f mongo-rc-1.yaml kubectl delete -f mongo-rc-1.yaml

Useful Kubernetes commands

kubectl get po,no -o wide

NAME            READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE       NODE                        IP
mongo-1-w7paz   2/2       Running             0          43m       ip-10-0-0-96.ec2.internal   <none>
mongo-2-ytmn1   2/2       Running             0          2h        ip-10-0-0-97.ec2.internal   <none>
mongo-3-527pz   0/2       ContainerCreating   0          10s       ip-10-0-0-98.ec2.internal   <none>

kubectl describe po mongo-1-w7paz This will output the pod ip address and information about the volyme under Volumes you will see instead of Flocker but it will be working Volumes: mongo-persistent-storage: default-token-y21eu: Type: Secret (a secret that should populate this volume) SecretName: default-token-y21eu

To use emptydir (no flocker)

There are no make commands yet for this I have included 4 example replication controller templates for using emptydir in /emptydir

kubectl create -f emptydir/mongo-rc-1.yaml