
Antenna Tracker for UTAT UAS.

Primary LanguagePython

Antenna Tracker Project - UTAT UAS 2021

Functional Summary and Assignment

  1. Get ECEF of antenna tracker (only once at beginning) (Michelangelo)
  2. Get ECEF of drone (Jun Ho)
  3. Find delta ECEF of drone & tracker (makes tracker origin, but directions are still in ECEF) (Jun Ho)
  4. Use rotation matrix to rotate origin of our tracker coordinates to point north (ECEF -> ENU Which axis is north will depend on code) (Stephen)
  5. Convert our delta drone coordinates to spherical (ENU_XYZ -> ENU_Spherical) (Stephen)
  6. Get gyroscope direction of tracker (ENU_Spherical) (Ian)
  7. Find delta angles between current tracker direction & desired direction (Ian)
  8. Output direction to motors to desired direction (Stephen)

Ian Webster
UTAT UAS | RnD Division

Project Description

The antenna tracker is a multifaceted electrical, software, and mechanical project. The goal of the antenna tracker is to have an autonomous drone-tracking device that uses telemetry data from a drone to compute the desired tracking angles to "follow" the drone's flight path in real-time.

The tracker will need to use it's own location data with the recieved telemetry data from the drone to compute the target angles to move the tracker.

A GPS or gyro module could be used to track z-position (altitude), pitch, and yaw of the tracker, and move the motors accordingly until the (z, p, y) vector is within a suitable range of error of the true computed vector. (i.e. 0.1 degrees)

Utilized Hardware:

  • 2x 12V DC Motors rated at 0.82A stall current, so P = 12 * 0.82 * 2 = 19.68W
  • L298N DC Motor Driver (25W max power)
  • A microcomputer or microcontroller
    • Raspberry Pi
    • Arduino
  • GPS Module (mounted to the antenna on the tracker to identify tracker's position)

Implementation Details

  • Use velocity and acceleration data to more precisely move the tracker according to the drone movement (but for now, just use a feedback system with a specified tolerance to move the tracker's motors until the location of the tracker is aligned with the drone's position)
  • Intelligent movement to minimize power drawn from motors (i.e. move 30 deg instead of 120 deg)

Telemetry Flowchart

Drone / Pixhawk -> GCS (Ground Control Station) -> Antenna Tracker

Logic Flowchart

Get GPS Data of Drone -> Get GPS Data of Tracker -> Move the Tracker to follow Drone's Current or Future Predicted Position

Combined Flowchart

  1. Use MavSDK to pull GPS data from drone (pixhawk) to ground control.
  2. Ground control sends this GPS data to Rpi/Arduino (tracker computer).
  3. Use tracker computer to compute angle to control the antenna motors.


  • Learn about MavSDK
  • Simulate a drone OR use pull live GPS coordinates from a drone's pixhawk
  • Receive drone position data using mav-sdk with python.
  • Communicate the drone position data to the antenna tracker computer
  • Use the antenna tracker computer to compute the new position of the tracker to follow the drone's position

Tracker Algorithm

  • Goal: Should take in tracker GPS and Compass Data, and Antenna GPS Data, and return absolute angles (in xy-plane, and with z-axis) to move the tracker to.

General Definitions:

  • lon and lat angles defined with respect to center of earth as ORIGIN

  • alt is defined with respect to surface of earth (sea-level) as reference (0 m)

  • lon = lambda = angle made within xy-plane (0 deg lon) where -90 deg = west, +90 deg = east

  • lat = phi = angle made with the z-axis (0 deg is equator/xy-plane) where -90 deg = south, +90 deg = north

  • Supplied by the Drone's GPS: (assume 2 is the drone for now. May write code to abstract this to deal with corner cases (i.e. -180, etc.))

  • <lat2, lon2, alt2>

  • Supplied by the Antenna Tracker's GPS:

  • <lat1, lon1, alt1>

  • Supplied by the Antenna Tracker's gyro:

  • <tracker_theta_xy_gyro, tracker_phi_z_gyro>

  • tracker_theta_xy_gyro = the angle the tracker actually makes in the xy plane (this is NOT lon), treating the tracker as the ORIGIN

  • tracker_phi_z_gyro = the angle the tracker actually makes with the z-axis (this is NOT lat), treating the tracker as the ORIGIN


Option 1: Tracker can move to absolute angle (lat/lon), i.e. using servos and compass/gyro, treating itself as the origin, North as reference for xy-plane angle.

  • phi and delta_lon are the absolute angles to move the servos TO!

  • TODO: Make considerations if lon2 > fff or lon2 < ... -> i.e. use abs val? or +180, etc...

  • "target_phi" = absolute angle to z-axis -> target angle to move the tracker to, if xy-plane is 0 deg, and +z is 90 deg [-phi = -z, +phi = +z . The drone's current value of phi is tracker_phi_z_gyro]

  • "target_lon" = lon2 - tracker_theta_xy_gyro -> this is not really a delta. It's an absolute target angle to go to. lon2 is the drone, and tracker_theta_xy_gyro is the angle the tracker is currently pointing in the xy-plane (North as 0 deg).

  • [Note: lon2 = target angle to move tracker (angle in xy plane), assuming the tracker was pointing directly outwards on lon1. This would be a bad approximation of delta_lon on its own, because we need to take into account the actual direction that tracker is currently pointing, using tracker_theta_xy_gyro]

Option 2: Tracker moves towards the target angle by moving by an incremental angle relative to its current direction

  • until we're within a certain range of error of the true directions.)

  • delta_phi = target_phi - tracker_phi_z_gyro -> This is a delta. It's a relative angle to move the tracker's angle with the z-axis in order to point to the drone.

  • delta_lon = lon2 - lon1 - tracker_theta_xy_gyro -> this is a delta. It's a relative angle to move the tracker to get to the final target angle.

Option 3: Tracker moves in the direction of the target absolute angle, and tries to achieve this position within some tolerance

  • (closer to a control systems approach - calculate the estimate, then move the tracker's DC motors)

  • Ideally have the same tolerance as the antenna itself

  • We would use the same formulas as Option 2, but then make inferences on which direction to move the tracker based on the drone's current values of <tracker_theta_xy_gyro, tracker_phi_z_gyro>.

  • For example, if the drone's delta_phi is increasing (target_phi is increasing), we should reduce tracker_phi_z_gyro until we notice that tracker phi_z_gyro/target_phi <= antenna_phi_error_tolerance, where the best case would result in delta_phi == 0. TODO: think of how to avoid divide by 0 problem.

  • We should do something similar for the longitude.

  • delta_phi = target_phi - tracker_phi_z_gyro -> This is a delta. It's a relative angle to move the tracker's angle with the z-axis in order to point to the drone.

  • delta_lon = lon2 - lon1 - tracker_theta_xy_gyro -> this is a delta. It's a relative angle to move the tracker to get to the final target angle.