
Competitive priority schedulers based on MultiQueue.

Primary LanguageC++

Multi-Queues Can Be State-of-the-Art Priority Schedulers

This repository contains everything required for running experiments presented in the paper.

The implementation of the designed priority schedulers can be found in Galois-2.2.1/include/Galois/WorkList/:

Getting Started Guide

Using an image

We provide images that contain all the dependencies and datasets. Images can be pulled from npostnikova/mq-based-schedulers repository, or downloaded from Zenodo.

1. Select an image

As running all the experiments takes a very long time, we provide different image options:

  • Slow. It computes heatmaps for the StealingMultiQueue, MQ Optimized (Temporal Locality for insert() and Task Batching for delete() variant), OBIM and PMOD, and performs all-thread execution for the default and best variants of the worklists.

    It provides flexibility! You can change the amount of threads for the heatmaps execution, vary heatmap parameters to affects the scope for selecting the optimal values. Changing heatmap parameters should work fine for the final plot computation, but keep in mind that heatmap-drawing scripts are not that flexible (see details in the image README).

    Estimated time: 5-7 days.

  • Fast. The image contains pre-loaded heatmaps, which were obtained on Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5218 CPU @ 2.30GHz with 64 cores. The script only computes all-thread plots for the best (according to the pre-loaded data) & default parameters.

    Estimated time: 30-40 hours.

    Ways to speedup experiments: Drop executions on the small amount of threads via setting PLT_THREADS accordingly. You won't lose much as these executions are slow and we were mainly focused on the large amount of threads.

2. Install selected image

By now, you should have decided on which image to use:

tag=slow  # or

We provide two options for loading the image.

  1. Download the image from the paper artifacts:
    wget -c https://zenodo.org/record/5813302/files/$file
    sudo docker load -i $file
  2. Pull the image from the Docker Hub:
    sudo docker pull npostnikova/mq-based-schedulers:$tag

3. Start a container

To start a container from the image, you can use:

sudo docker run --cap-add SYS_NICE -it npostnikova/mq-based-schedulers:$tag

NOTE: Please don't neglect --cap-add SYS_NICE as Galois needs it for setting CPU affinity.

4. Run experiments

  1. Take a look at the $MQ_ROOT/README.md file inside the container.
  2. Updated $MQ_ROOT/set_envs.sh to comply with your machine.
    nano $MQ_ROOT/set_envs.sh
  3. Run experiments:
  4. Navigate to Execution Results section below to learn how the output data is structured.

Running experiments without Docker


NOTE: Please refer a sample setup.sh script.

  1. Dependencies
    • A modern C++ compiler compliant with the C++-17 standard (gcc >= 7, Intel >= 19.0.1, clang >= 7.0)
    • CMake
    • Boost library (the full installation is recommended)
    • Libnuma
    • Libpthread
    • Python (>=3.7) with matplotlib<3.5, numpy and seaborn
    • wget

    Helpful links: Boost Installation Guide, Everything you may need for Galois.

  2. Please update set_envs.sh script. Further, it will "configure" experiments execution.
  3. Set $MQ_ROOT and $GALOIS_HOME env variables. $MQ_ROOT should point to the repository root and GALOIS_HOME=$MQ_ROOT/Galois-2.2.1.
  4. Execute $MQ_ROOT/compile.sh script to build the project.
  5. $MQ_ROOT/scripts/datasets.sh to install and prepare all required datasets.
  6. Verify that everything seems to work fine via executing $MQ_ROOT/scripts/verify_setup.sh.

Running experiments

$MQ_ROOT/scripts/run_all_experiments.sh contains all the experiments. But keep in mind that it is extremely slow. It includes:

  • Heatmaps for SMQ, SkipList SMQ, 4 MQ Optimized versions, OBIM & PMOD.
  • NUMA for SMQ & MQ Optimized.
  • Baseline computation (for heatmaps and plots).
  • All-thread computations for the best and default versions of all the worklists above + SprayList and Swarm.
  • Parameters variation and all-thread execution for k-LSM.
# Run experiments with logging.
$MQ_ROOT/scripts/run_all_experiments.sh 2>&1 | tee $MQ_ROOT/logs.txt

NOTE: You can vary heatmap parameters as you want (i.e. change deltas for OBIM). It will change the scope for selecting the optimal parameters for the final plots. However, drawing-heatmap scripts are not that flexible and you may need to change it accordingly.

Figures sample

Sample figures can be found in $MQ_ROOT/experiments/sample/pictures/. There you can find heatmaps/mq_best_parameters.csv which contains max speedup for MultiQueue-based schedulers. Max speedups for OBIM & PMOD are reflected on their heatmaps.

Execution results

Finally, execution results should have the following structure:

  • $MQ_ROOT/experiments/$CPU/
    • heatmaps/ — all heatmap executions
      • smq_heatmaps/
        • numa/
      • slsmq_heatmaps/
      • mqpl_heatmaps/
        • numa/
      • obim_heatmaps/
      • pmod_heatmaps/
      • klsm_heatmaps/ — by default, doesn't present in images
    • plots/ — all plot executions
      • smq_plots/
        • *_smq
        • *_smq_numa
        • *_smq_default
      • slsmq_plots/
      • mqpl_plots/
        • *_mqpl
        • *_mqpl_numa
      • obim_plots/
        • *_obim
        • *_obim_default
      • pmod_plots/
        • *_pmod
        • *_pmod_default
      • other_plots/
        • *_spraylist
        • *_heapswarm
      • klsm_plots/ — by default, doesn't present in images
    • baseline/ — baseline executions
      • *_base_$HM_THREADS
      • *_base_1
    • pictures/ — all plots
      • heatmaps/ — corresponds to the Figures 1, 2, and other heatmaps from appendix
      • plots/ — corresponds to the Figures 3, 4