
An expense tracker API built with django rest framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An expense tracker API built with django rest framework


  • Autheentication
  • CRUD Expenses and categories
  • Add spend limit for category
  • Stats for expenses and categories (for the current day, the previous day, the current week and the current year)

Testing the API

  • To test the functionality of the api, you can use the following login credentials to be authorized: email: steppaapitestuser@gmail.com password: testuser
  • To use the API, all the endpoints are available on the API documentation page. You can access the API documentation by navigating to https://steppa-expense-api.vercel.app/api/v1/#/ in your browser. The API documentation provides a list of all the endpoints available and the required parameters for each endpoint.
  • I encourage frontend developers who have built expense tracker projects to use the API and provide feedback on how it can be improved.

Installation Guide

  • Download or clone this repostory using
  • Navigate into your project directory
    cd expense-api
  • Create a virtual environment
    python -m venv env
  • Activate the virtual environment
  • On Windows:
  • On Macos:
    source env/bin/activate
  • Install dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run migrations to setup initial database schema
    python manage.py migrate
  • Create super user(optional)
    python manage.py createsuperuser
  • Run the development server
    python manage.py runserver
  • Access the API: on your browser, navigate to


Token-based authentication is used to secure the API endpoints. To access protected endpoints, include the token in the request headers: