
This is a project management system made with django(Still a work in progress)

Primary LanguagePython


This is a project management system i am currently working on as my first django project I made research on project management systems and figured out that most if not all of them are company based So i thought to myself why not develop one for both personal and company use? I plan on finishing it as soon as possible and hopefully host it

Features(Ones starting with * have already been created )

*CRUD Project, Milestones, Company, Tasks, Teams

*Have both personal and company account

*Switch between account types


*Time tracking

Assigning and reassigning of tasks

*Project Progress Tracking

*Project deadline tracking

*Activities tracking

Collaboration on tasks

*Notes(maybe a suggestion or update on where you left off or what features you still have to add or anything related to the task basically)

communication between people working on the same task


Live Chat

Code review

Users with multiple companies

Notification system

User approval during sign up

Offline mode