
Alt School React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

AltSchoolers Frontend Engineering React live class

Catch the update of live classes by the instructors Mr Oluwasetemi and Mr Desmond on this Repo and the available links shared in class

Month 1 Week 1:

Introduction to React. LMS contd class During the Introductory lectures to React Mr Oluwasetemi break down how bundling of basic javascript app works before the team at facebook created the React, and he delves a little into webpack Webpack

on the introductiory class, he also mentioned importing, exporting and using our bundled app link to the doc he shared here

Month 1 Week 2:
Installing create-react-app

This class focuses us on installing and creating react app on our local machine link to create react app

as the class proceeds he explain creating components in react, Writing markup with JSX in React. which is just plain javascript and html in react, Importing and Exporting Components, Passing props to a components, Conditional rendering he makes further code examples writting basic jsx elements and rendering them in our react app

He further explain the concept of component and how react is component based library for UI rendering view class here

Month 1 Week 3:

as the classes proceeds he breaks down the concept of states and using states in React, as continuation of the classes on the schol LMS documentation guide below States and managing state in React Getting started with state

some self assesment questions from the instructor posted on frontend engineering slack channel


Month 1 Week 4:
Hooks in React

Mr Desmond and Mr Oluwasetemi further use a little counter game of incrementing and decremeting to explain some basic react concepts, which includes the useState hook, useEffect and so on, docs below for further explanation useEffect Hook

Mr Setemi contd to focuses on creating and using custom hooks in react with code examples find code here

Month 2 Week 1:
Hooks contd

Further classes focus on React router dom, React router dom as a third party library for rounting pages in our React Application. It was explained deeply with examples by the instructor @oluwasetemi, he touches installing the library itself in our app using ```npm install react-router-dom which download other dependencies for us He went further to explain importing and using with the elements that are provided to us by the library, such as , ,

The doc he was using in class

he further hooks provided by the third party router
He explained with code example the following

  • useLocation
  • useParams
  • useNavigate
  • useOutlet

view code here further link

further link he shared, Input valid github account name see here

**further explanations he made in the last class includes **

  • composition vs inheritance using props.children and managing layouts in our Application-

find doc and code examples here

Getting Started with this Repo

Fork the project to a new repositery
clone the repo on your terminal

cd to the project directory code . to open in your vscode

 yarn start or
 `npm start` to run the app on your local

navigate to localhost:3000 on your browser.

This project was bootstrapped with create react app.