
Global Javascript and CSS files configured in the Canvas admin settings.

Primary LanguageHTML


Global Javascript and CSS files configured in the Canvas admin settings.

See Adding custom javascript and CSS for more info

Making changes

Generally, we use a standar git pull request workflow that is outlined nicely here

Initial one time setup

  1. Fork the canvas-lms-js-css repository into your own account using the fork button:
  2. Fork Repo
  3. Clone your forked repository to your local machine: git clone https://github.com/<your_username>/canvas-lms-js-css.git
  4. Now you can see all your code in the canvas-lms-js-css directory
  5. Add the upstream remote so you can keep your code in sync with the beyondz-code: git remote add upstream https://github.com/beyondz-z/canvas-lms-js-css

Ongoing changes

  1. Always start by getting your local code and your forked code on github up to date with the upstream beyond-z repository code:
git checkout staging;
git pull upstream staging;
git push origin staging;
  1. Now create a branch to work on your project / changes in: git checkout -b <branch_name>
  2. Make your changes, add your files to the local index, and commit them:
git add <your_files>
git commit -m "A nice message describing the change"
  1. Push your changes to your fork on github: git push origin <branch_name>
  2. Login to gihub and open the pull request against beyond-z/staging
  • Make sure and give the pull request a nice title and description
  1. Once your pull request has been merged, you can delete your branch:
git checkout staging;
git pull upstream staging;
git branch -d <branch_name>;
git push origin staging;