
A Reddit client for Minecraft!

Primary LanguageJava


A Simple way to link Minecraft with Reddit


You will need to create a Reddit app to link your account for the cake day welcoming. You can do this here, and set the app id and secret in the config.


  • Reddit:
    • Description: Look at Reddit in game
    • Usage: /<command> [Subreddit]
    • Permission: Minedit.view
    • Default: true
  • RedditPost:
    • Description: Look at a Reddit post in game
    • Usage: /<command> <Permalink>
    • Permission: Minedit.view
    • Default: true
  • LinkReddit:
    • Description: Link your Minecraft account with your Reddit Account
    • Usage: /<command> [Code]
    • Permission: Minedit.link
    • Default: true
