Building and Running IoTivity

This guide describes how to:

  • Create and manage an Ubuntu VM within which iotivity can be built and run
  • Download, build, and run IoTivity sample clients and servers
  • Run The OCF CTT certification suite against IoTivity

The environment outlined in this guide is focused on running the CTT and IoTivity on the same machine, the specifics of which are:

  • Computer running windows
  • Ubuntu 16.04 as a VM on VirtualBox

This guide assumes that you have basic familiarity with setting up a VM and with Windows and Ubuntu

Create an Ubuntu VM

Install IoTivity

Download and install the latest version of Virtual Box

Download Ubuntu .iso

Download your preffered version of an Ubuntu desktop .iso file targeted for amd/i386, for example ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso. (This guide was validated against v16.04)

Create an Ubuntu VM

Specify at least 2048 MB RAM, and a fixed size drive of at least 20 GB

The first time you start the VM, you will be promted for the startup disk. Click the folder icon on the bottom right of the dialog, and select the Ubuntu .iso file that you downloaded earlier, then hit ** Start**

At the next prompt, hit the Install Ubuntu and finish the configuration as you desire

Configure Ubuntu for IoTivity

Run the following commands in an Ubuntu terminal

sudo apt-get install build-essential git scons libtool autoconf valgrind doxygen wget unzip
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev uuid-dev libexpat1-dev libglib2.0-dev libsqlite3-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev

Clone the IoTivity repo

# Master
git clone

# Release branch
git clone -b 1.3-rel

Build IoTivity

Change direcoty to the iotivity directory created by the clone, then run one of the scons based builds below.

If it is the first build, you will be prompted to clone additional depndencies. Copy and paste and run the the git commands listed,then run the scons command again (repeat until all required dependencies have been cloned).

# Release Build

# debug build
scons RELEASE=0

# Loogging build

NOTE: If you would just like to run some IoTivity examples, and not the CTT, a Windows machine is not required, and you can skip directly to the Running IoTivity Security Examples section below

Installing the CTT

Dowloawd and run the CTT installer

The CTT test tool is a windows based app.

The the official CTT release downloads can be found here

If you require a Pre Release test version, contact Mitch Ketrick at

Within Windows, extract the contents of the downloaded zip file into a folder, and run the setup.exe installer

Configure for IoTivity Testing

Configure Ubuntu for CTT visibility

Disbale the Ubuntu firewall

# Check to see if the firewall is enabled
sudo ufw status

# If the response is `Status: active`, turn it off like so
sudo ufw disable

Configure the VM for host only networking

  1. From the menu bar in the Ubuntu VM window: Machine -> Settings
  2. Select the Network tab
  3. Make sure that Attached To is set to Host Only Network
  4. Note: If at some point you require internet access within Ubuntu (for example for additional code downloads), you will need to change Attached To back to NAT

Configure the CTT to communicate on the Ubuntu VMs network interface

  1. From the CTT Window bar menu select Options -> Network Interface
  2. Click on VirtualBox Host-Only Network, then select the corresponding IP address, and hit OK

Runing CTT Tests against IoTivity

For this guide, we will be testing the Iotivity Security Provision server

Clean out DB files from past runs

If this is not the first test run of the random pin security server, you will need to delete DB files generated by from previous runs

# from: iotivity/out/linux/x86_64/release/resource/csdk/security/provisioning/sample
rm oic_svr_db_server_randompin.dat device_properties.dat

if the CTT reports the message Pease initiate device to revert to "Ready for OTM" state, this means that old .dat files are around, and should be deleted as shown above

Start the IoTivity Server

# from: iotivity/out/linux/x86_64/release/resource/csdk/security/provisioning/sample

Configure CTT to Test the IoTivity Server

From the CTT window bar menu select File -> Select DUT, and you should see the IoTivity server

OCS Server Devices
  OCS Devices

Select the IoTivity server's device ID, and click Next

If you don't see the IoTivity Server listed check the following

  1. sampleserver_randompin is running
  2. Ubuntu VM network is set to Host Only Network (as described above)
  3. The Ubuntu firewall is disabled (as described above)
  4. The CTT network interface has been set to the Ubuntu VM (as described above)

Select the desired PICs config file and click Next

Note: for the current CTT under development, use PICS_server_OCF10.json

Accept all of the defaults on the next dialog by hitting Next

Run CTT Security Tests

CT is known to pass. Unselect all tests except this one, and hit the green play button > in the upper left of the CTT test app.

Currently the test CT is located in the Security CR35/36/48 test group

You may be promted for a pin, if so, sampleserver_randompin will have generated one, and printed it to the Ubnutu terminal. Enter the PIN into the CTT and hit Set Value

If everything is configured correctly, this test should run to completion and pass. You will know that the test passed from this line shown near the bottom of the CTT log

14:50:43 PASS Test case result: PASSED

if the CTT reports the message Pease initiate device to revert to "Ready for OTM" state, this means that old sampleserver_randompin DB files are around, and should be deleted as shown above

Running IoTivity Security Examples

In your ubuntu install, change directory to iotivity/out/linux/x86_64/release/resource/csdk/security/provisioning/sample

# In terminal window 1

# In terminal window 2

if you have run these samples and you want to start fresh, you will need to remove and reinstall several database files

# from: iotivity/out/linux/x86_64/release/resource/csdk/security/provisioning/sample
rm device_properties.dat oic_svr_db_server_justworks.dat oic_svr_db_client.dat

# from: iotivity (this will install fresh DB files)

In the client terminal, you will be presented with a list of actions that can be taken. As an example, try the following:

Identify the Server

In the client terminal, enter 10: Discover All Un/Owned Devices on Network

In the resonse you should see the server is now identified as being unowned:

 Discovering All Un/Owned Devices on Network..
   > Discovered Owned Devices
     Device List is Empty..

   > Discovered Unowned Devices
     [1] 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012    ocf.1.1.0

Regstier/Own the Server

In the client terminal, enter 20: Register/Own All Discovered Unowned Devices

In the response you should see that the server was successfully registgered

09:04.809 INFO: provisioningclient: Ownership Transfer SUCCEEDED - ctx: Provision Manager Client Application Context
   > Registered Discovered Unowned Devices

Verify that the server was registered

In the client terminal, enter 10 again: Discover All Un/Owned Devices on Network

In the response you should see the server is now identified as being owned:

Discovering All Un/Owned Devices on Network..
   > Discovered Owned Devices
     [1] 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012    ocf.1.1.0

   > Discovered Unowned Devices
     Device List is Empty..

Running Iotivity Internal Test Suite