
Easy In App Purchasing for iOS

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Version License Platform

SBInAppPurchasing makes In-App Purchasing easier. Written in Swift.


  • Checking if device is able to make payments
  • Requesting list of IAPs
  • Making purchases
  • Restoring Purchases
  • Callbacks and notifications

Note that I haven't done any testing with Consumable IAPs at the current time.


SBInAppPurchasing is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "SBInAppPurchasing"


####Use the SBInAppPurchasing Singleton:

import SBInAppPurchasing

let purchaser = SBInAppPurchasing.shared

####To check if a device can make payments:

Some devices make not be able to make payments, for instance, if not permitted by parental controls. You should always check if the device can make payments before making a purchase

if (purchaser.canMakePayments){
	// Make a purchase
	// Alert user IAPs are disabled

####To request list of products:

// Products from previous requests are cached.
//Check the products optional if you do not want to refresh
if let products = purchaser.products{
	// Products already downloaded

// The identifiers you set up in iTunes Connect 
let identifiers = Set(["com.some.iap", "com.some.other.iap"])

purchaser.requestProducts(identifiers) { (products, error) in
	if let error = error{
		print("An error occurred: \(error.localizedDescription)")
	if let products = products{
		// Array of SKProduct received

####To make a purchase with SKProduct If you have called requestProducts() already, you can make a purchase using one of the returned products

purchaser.purchase(product: someProduct) {
            (success: Bool) in
            if success {
            	// Unlock IAP
	         	// Show error

####To make a purchase with identifier

It is also possible to make a purchase without calling requestProducts() by using the product identifier

purchaser.purchase(productWithIdentifier: "com.some.iap") {
            (success: Bool) in
            if success {
            		// Unlock IAP
            		// Show error

####To restore Purchases

SBInAppPurchasing.shared.restorePurchases {
            (identifer: String) in
            if identifer == "com.some.iap" {
                // Unlock IAP

####Delegate Callbacks

Using the passed in closures is the easiest way to repond to purchase events, but an object implementing the SBInAppPurchasingDelegate protocol can recieve also receive callbacks for purchasing events, if required.

purchaser.delegate = someObject

// Recieves the following callbacks:
func purchaseCompleted(identifier: String)
func purchaseRestored(identifier: String)
func purchaseFailed(errorDescription: String)


Alternatively, objects can listen to notifications via NSNotificationCenter

NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(purchaseCompleted), name: .inAppPurchaseCompleted, object: nil)
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(purchaseRestored), name: .inAppPurchaseRestored, object: nil)
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(purchaseFailed), name: .inAppPurchaseFailed, object: nil)

func purchaseCompleted(notification: NSNotification){ 
	let identifier = notification.object       
func purchaseRestored(notification: NSNotification){    
	let identifier = notification.object       
func purchaseFailed(notification: NSNotification){     
	let error = notification.object        


Steve Barnegren, steve.barnegren@gmail.com

Follow me on twitter @SteveBarnegren


SBInAppPurchasing is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.