Safety Dance
Built with:
Built with untrusted = "0.6.2" - Using "0.7.0" causes errors
Built with ring = "0.16.5"

Not testing:

  1. The writing of PKS8 files to disk. Just keeping them in memory.

  2. Does not test nonce advance as we want to try an unlimited number of attempts. Uses less_safe_key in aead.

  3. RSA signatures: Ring does not have a rust function to generate primes. This is because there is a lot of risk in picking improper primes. For more information read this blog post

  4. When performing hashes (digest), we used the two step method of adding context.update(data)

Might Impact Outcome:
In aead nonce is first 12 bytes of the key.

zero length in random1 or random2 can cause crashes. (PBKDF2 needs non zero values).