
A transpiler for Minecraft functions

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A transpiler for Minecraft functions


Minecraft's built-in function system is powerful; however, the syntax can make it difficult to use. While it does not address issues like the lack of non-integer variables (yet, this features is in development), Magma scripts compile/transpile from a more user friendly, Python-like syntax into valid vanilla functions.

Macro Instructions

Magma has several different macro instructions to assist in generating code. Lines starting with ## are treated as macro instructions. Unknown instructions throw an error.

define <name> [value] or def <name> [value]

The define macro instruction will replace any instances of name with value. If not given, value is an empty string. name must be composed of only the characters A-Z_. When substituting macros, the name must be preceeded with a $. In all other cases, this part of the name is ignored and optional.

## define MATERIAL diamond
fn demo:
  give @s $MATERIAL_sword
  give @s $MATERIAL_axe

undefine <name> or undef <name>

Prevents further replacement of name.

## define TEXT Hello World
fn demo:
  say $TEXT
## undefine TEXT
  say Just the plain word $TEXT

ifdefined <name> or ifdef <name>

Outputs the following lines up until an endif macro instruction only if the given name is defined using the define macro instruction. ifdefined can be nested.

## define DEBUG
fn demo:
## ifdef DEBUG
  say Doing stuff
## endif

ifundefined <name> or ifundef <name>

fn demo:
  summon marker ~ ~ ~ {}
## endif
  summon area_effect_cloud ~ ~ ~ {}
## endif

if <value1> = <value2>

Not yet documented

if <value1> != <value2>

Not yet documented

msg <message> or info <message>

Outputs a compile time info message. How this is reported may varry by implementation. Standard compiling continues.

fn demo:
  ##info Not Yet Implemented

warn <message> or alert <message>

Outputs a compile time warning message. How this is reported may varry by implementation. Standard compiling continues.

fn demo:
  ##warn Not Yet Implemented

fail <reason> or error <reason> or fail or error

Causes compilation to fail with an optional reason. How this is reported may varry by implementation.

fn demo:
  ##fail Not Yet Implemented

javascript <text> or js <text>

The javascript macro instruction evaluates the given text and includes the result in program. Each line output recieves the same indentation as the macro instruction.

fn demo:
  ## javascript 'axe,sword,shovel,pickaxe'.split(',').map(i => 'give @s diamond_' + i).join('\n')

Function Syntax

Scripting must be done inside of a function declaration. Only comments and macro instructions may appear outside of functions. Input to Magma can contain more than one function to be parsed. Functions are defined at the top indentation level by using the fn keyword followed by the name of the function and a colon. Function names must contain only a-z0-9_. All indented lines until the next function declaration or end of the file are considered part of this function and treated as an instruction. To make one instruction span multiple lines, use a \ to escape the new line. To include an actual \ in a function, you must escape it like this \\. Magma does not validate commands so that it will work with modded environments. Note that Magma uses tabs for indentation; however, the transpile function may be passed a object as second argument. This object may contain the property spacesToTabs which will cause n spaces to be treated as a tab.

fn on_tick:
  effect give @e glowing

fn on_load:
  say Loading...
  say Lorem Ipsum


Not yet documented

Tag Binding

Not yet documented

Execute Syntax

Magama makes it easier to write execute commands by providing a Python-like syntax for the command to reduce repetition and improve readability. Lines starting with either align, anchored, as, at, facing, in, positioned, rotated, store, if, or unless start an execute block. Execute blocks may be stacked. Each instruction in an execute block (indented one more level following it) will receive all the prior execution blocks prepended to it as well as the needed execute and run portions of the command. Magma will not prepend unneeded/empty execute commands.

fn load:
  say Loading...
  as @e:
    at @s:
      if block ~ ~ ~ water:
        say I'm in water! 

Comment Syntax

Comments are the same as in a plain Minecraft function. Lines starting with a # are ignored.

Planned Features

  • Expand macros in fail, warn, and msg
  • Loop unwinding
  • Make macros avalible to JavaScript macro instructions