
utility to join multiple firebase paths and nested data into a single subscription

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Utility to join multiple firebase paths and nested data into a single subscription.


Apps often have the need to subscribe and unsubscribe from multiple firebase paths, as well as dynamically subscribe to additional paths as some data changes. For example, you might want to subscribe to several sources on user login (get user profile, get user friends, get user recent feed); and you might want to pull each friend's profile. Normally, you have to do a lot of dynamic subscription management, remembering to subscribe and unsubscribe from multiple firebase refs as your app state changes, and also as the master data (e.g. friend lists) changes.

Basic example

import createSubscriber from 'firebase-nest';
import Firebase from 'firebase';
const fb = new Firebase('https://docs-examples.firebaseio.com');
const subscriber = createSubscriber({
    resolveFirebaseQuery: function(sub) {
        return fb.child(sub.path);
    onData: function(type, snapshot, sub) {
        console.log('onData: type='+type+', subKey='+sub.subKey+', fbKey='+snapshot.key());
const { unsubscribe, promise } = subscriber.subscribeSubsWithPromise([{
    subKey: 'chats',
    asList: true,
    path: 'samplechat/messages',
    forEachChild: {
        childSubs: function(messageKey, messageData) {
            return [{
                subKey: 'user_'+messageData.uid,
                asValue: true,
                path: 'samplechat/users/'+messageData.uid
promise.then(() => {
    console.log('initial data loaded');


  1. Declarative subscriptions

    This lib allows an app to specify a logical data source as an array of declarative subscription specifications ("subs").

  2. Promises

    const {unsubscribe, promise} = subscribeSubsWithPromise(subs) allows to know when initial data, including async child subscriptions, is loaded.

  3. Firebase permission-denied errors are handled via onError callbacks and promise rejections.

  4. Dynamic nested subscriptions

    A sub corresponds to a firebase ref/query, and can have a forEachChild that specifies how to subscribe to data for each child.

  5. RefCounted firebase refs

    Support registering multiple subscriptions to the same source (identified by subKey). Underlying firebase on/off is only called once on the first subscribe/last unsubscribe.

  6. Composition

    the subs can be easily composed and reused, as in the examples below.

  7. Firebase query API support.

    A sub is mapped to a Firebase ref/query (through resolveFirebaseQuery callback), so orderByChild, startAt, equalTo etc. and all other firebase queries are supported.

  8. Value or List onData callbacks.

Subs with asValue=true result in FB_VALUE callbacks:

onData('FB_VALUE', snapshot, sub)

Subs with asList=true result in

onData('FB_INIT_VAL', snapshot, sub)




  1. npm install firebase firebase-nest --save

  2. Initialize the subscriber - generally should be a global/singleton

import createNestedFirebaseSubscriber from 'firebase-nest';

const {subscribeSubs} = createNestedFirebaseSubscriber({
 onData: function(type, snapshot, sub) {
   //type will be FB_VALUE if subscribed as value (sub.asValue==true). 
   // otherwise, if subscribed as list (sub.asList==true), type will be FB_INIT_VAL, then FB_CHILD_ADDED/REMOVED/CHANGED.
   //snapshot is the incoming firebase data
   //sub is the original sub that was used to subscribe to this path
   //can store the data in local state or anything you want
 onSubscribed: function(sub) {
   //Can optionally do tracking or logging here
 onUnsubscribed: function(subKey) {
   //Can optionally do tracking or logging here
 resolveFirebaseQuery: function(sub) {
     //Translate a sub to a firebase ref/query, for example
     return new Firebase(sub.path);
  1. Create your subscription specifications, for example
const user1Subs =
           subKey: 'userDetail_user1', //can use any naming scheme you want to identify your logical sources
           asValue: true, //or asList: true
           //optional: forEachChild: {childSubs: ...} to specify how to subscribe to data for each child

           //custom fields - can be anything you want, will be passed into onData & resolveFirebaseQuery callbacks
           path: 'https://your-firebase.com/users/user1'

Each sub needs to have a logical key ("subKey"), for example 'recent_feed_user1'. This is the key used for ref counting.

  1. Start listening to data
const unsub = subscribeSubs(user1Subs);
  1. Eventually unsub must be called to unsubscribe.

Mobx example

See https://github.com/nyura123/firebase-nest/blob/master/examples/MobxComponentExample.js for how to add dynamic firebase subscriptions and data to a React component.

Full Example

const nestedSubscriber = require('firebase-nest');
const Firebase = require('firebase');

const {subscribeSubs} = nestedSubscriber({
    onData: function(type,snapshot,sub){
        console.log("got data, type="+type+", key="+snapshot.key()+" sub.subKey="+sub.subKey);
    onSubscribed: function(){},
    onUnsubscribed: function(){},
    resolveFirebaseQuery: function(sub){return new Firebase(sub.path);}

function dinosaurScoreAndDetailSubCreator(dinosaurKey) {
    return [
            asList:true //will work with asValue as well. asList generally has better performance for large datasets with small changes
function allDinosaursSubCreator() {
    return [{
        subKey: "allDinosaurs",
        path: "https://dinosaur-facts.firebaseio.com/dinosaurs",
        forEachChild: {childSubs: dinosaurScoreAndDetailSubCreator},
        //asValue will work as well. asList generally has better performance for large datasets with small changes
        asList: true

//A single subscription to subscribe to list of all dinosaurs, and detail/score for each one
const unsub = subscribeSubs(allDinosaursSubCreator());

//Eventually unsub() must be called

autoSubscriber can be used to automatically subscribe React components.

A component has to implement 2 methods: getSubs(props, state) that returns a sub or an array of subs subscribeSubs(subs, props, state) that actually performs the subscription - normally just calls nestedSubscriber's subscribeSubs

import createNestedFirebaseSubscriber, { autoSubscriber } from 'firebase-nest';

import React from 'react';
import Firebase from 'firebase';

let dinosaurs;
let reactiveComponent;

const {subscribeSubs, subscribedRegistry} = createNestedFirebaseSubscriber({
    onData: function (type, snapshot, sub) {
        dinosaurs = snapshot.val();

        //Example only - use something like redux dispatch or set mobx observable data to trigger component rendering.
        if (reactiveComponent) {
    onWillSubscribe: function (sub) {},
    onWillUnsubscribe: function (subKey) {},
    onSubscribed: function (sub) {},
    onUnsubscribed: function (subKey) {},
    resolveFirebaseQuery: function (sub) {
        return new Firebase(sub.path);

const globalSubscribeSubs = subscribeSubs;

//Example usage
const fbRoot = "https://dinosaur-facts.firebaseio.com";

export var DinosaurList = autoSubscriber(class extends React.Component {
    static getSubs(props, state) {
        //In practice, you would use helper functions instead of hardcoding the sub spec format here
        return {
            subKey: 'dinosaurs',
            asValue: true,

            //custom fields used by
            params: {name: 'dinosaurs'},
            path: fbRoot+"/dinosaurs"
    static subscribeSubs(subs, props, state) {
        return globalSubscribeSubs(subs);
    componentDidMount() {
        //this is just an example of making a component reactive to data.
        //In practice, we can connect components to data via something like redux connect or mobx observer.
        reactiveComponent = this;
    render() {
        return (
                {Object.keys(dinosaurs || {}).map(dinosaurKey=>{
                    return <div key={dinosaurKey}>{dinosaurKey}</div>


import createNestedFirebaseSubscriber from 'firebase-nest';

import Firebase from 'firebase';

//example subscribe specs (subs)
function userDetailSubCreator(userKey) {
    return [
            subKey: 'userDetail_' + userKey,
            asValue: true,

            params: {name: 'users', key: userKey},
            path: "https://my/path/to/users/"+userKey
function friendListWithDetailSubCreator(userKey) {
    return [
            subKey: 'friendListWithUserDetail_'+userKey,
            asList: true,
            forEachChild: {childSubs: userDetailSubCreator},

            params: {name: 'friends', key: userKey},
            path: "https://my/path/to/friends/"+userKey
function userFeed(userKey) {
    return [
            subKey: 'feed'+userKey,
            asList: true,

            params: {name: 'feed', key: userKey},
            path: "https://my/path/to/feed/"+userKey
function recentLikes(userKey, now) {
    return [
            subKey: 'recent_likes_'+userKey,
            asList: true,

            params: {name: 'likes', key: userKey, orderByChild: "likedTs", startAtTs: now - 24*60*60*1000},
            path: "https://my/path/to/likes/"+userKey
function userFeedAndFriends(userKey, now) {
    return [userFeed(userKey), friendListWithDetailSubCreator(userKey), recentLikes[userKey, now]];

//example actions - can easily compose subscriptions
function subscribeToUserDetail(userKey) {
    return {type: "FIREBASE_SUBSCRIBE", subs: userDetailSubCreator(userKey)};
function subscribeToFriendsWithDetails(userKey) {
    return {type: "FIREBASE_SUBSCRIBE", subs: friendListWithDetailSubCreator(userKey)};
function subscribeToUserFeedAndFriends(userKey, now) {
    return {type: "FIREBASE_SUBSCRIBE", subs: userFeedAndFriends(userKey, now)};

//Firebase data callbacks will be dispatched as FB_VALUE or FB_INIT_VAL,FB_CHILD_ADDED/REMOVED/CHANGED actions
function setupSubscriber(dispatch) {
    return createNestedFirebaseSubscriber({
        onData: function (type, snapshot, sub) {
            //This can be consumed by reducers to build up data
            dispatch({type, sub, key: snapshot.key(), val: snapshot.val()});
        onSubscribed: function (sub) {
            dispatch({type: "FB_SUBSCRIBED", sub});
        onUnsubscribed: function (subKey) {
            dispatch({type: "FB_UNSUBSCRIBED", subKey});
        resolveFirebaseQuery: function (sub) {
            //Can add arbitrary params to sub in the sub specs above, and then use them to do additional
            //firebase filtering/sorting, e.g. new Firebase(sub.path).orderByChild(sub.orderByChild).startAt(sub.startAt)
            return new Firebase(sub.path);

export default function middleware({dispatch}) {
    const {subscribeSubs} = setupSubscriber(dispatch);

    return function (next) {
        return function (action) {
            switch (action.type) {
                case "FIREBASE_SUBSCRIBE":
                    if (action.subs) {

                        //NOTE: dispatching subscribe actions should *return* the unsubscribe function

                        return subscribeSubs(action.subs);
                    } else {
                        console.error("Missing sub/subs field in "+action.type+" action");
                        return next(action);
                    return next(action);