
My notes on database normalisation and relational theory.


This is a personal project documenting examples of database schemas in different normal forms - it is for my own interest.

###Objectives and Requirements

####Normalisation to 6NF

First I want to cover all the normal forms:

  • 1NF schema & performance benchmarks
  • 2NF schema & performance benchmarks
  • 3NF schema & performance benchmarks
  • BCNF schema & performance benchmarks
  • 4NF schema & performance benchmarks
  • 5NF schema & performance benchmarks
  • 6NF schema & performance benchmarks

####Denormalised and 'Un-normalised' Comparisons

Then I want to compare benchmarks from the normal forms to benchmarks from schemas that are not normalised

  • Denormalised schema & performance benchmarks by Dec 2014. Schema should be taken from 5NF into a denormalised schema.
  • 'Un-normalised' schema & performance benchmarks by Dec 2014. Schema should be designed from the ground up to be normalised pragmatically but without specific normalisation constraints in place.


Benchmarks should measure:

  • Speed of various queries
  • DB load testing
  • Reports on the amount of anomylous and redundant data there is in the database