This is a Java wrapper around the EDSDK that gives you full access to your Canon SLR camera via the EDSDK on Windows*. The features include:
- Taking and downloading pictures
- Manually adjusting focus
- Setting apperature, exposure, ISO
- Accessing live view
(*) With a few changes it could also work on Mac OSX.
Before you can use this library you need to obtain the EDSDK native library from Canon. You can do so via their developers program:
Once you were granted access - this may take a few days - download the latest version of their library and follow the usage instructions.
Using the EDSDK from Java directly is possible using the edsdk.native
but because of threading difficulties and the involved data types this can be a bit painful.
In the edsdk.utils
package you find a small layer built on top of the EDSDK
that gives you more Java-like examples.
Most notably, all calls have synchroneous and async calls. The async variants give you a CanonTask and you can choose if you want to wait for the result or be notified when it's done.
CanonCamera slr = new CanonCamera();
// Use the blocking variant to get a result immediately.
File file = slr.shoot()[0];
System.out.println( "File: " + file.getAbsolutePath() );
// Use async handlers to continue your code immediately
slr.shootAsync().whenDone( f -> System.out.println( f ) );
// close session is always blocking.
// because commands are queued this won't be executed
// until the above slr.shoot() finished it's work.
CanonCamera slr = new CanonCamera();
File file = slr.shoot()[0]; // (*)
(*) If you have raw+jpeg enabled you'll have two
images in that array. Usually it's just one.
For more look at the examples in src/gettingstarted.
To regenerate the JNA wrapper classes:
set EDSDK_HOME=path-to-edsdk
ant generate-wrapper
- Currently JNAerator is not detecting __stdcall correctly so the Callbacks defined in EdSdkLibrary need to be manually modified to extend StdCallCallback. Technically EdSdkLibrary itself should also extend StdCallLibrary but it's possible to workaround this using options passed into the Native.loadLibrary() method (see CanonCamera class for this workaround).