
Open Source Drupal Cloud Hosting

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


OpenDevShop Project Dashboard

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/opendevshop/devshop

Version Status Aegir Hosts DevMaster Install & CLI
0.x Stable 2.x D6, D7 DevMaster 0.x Status DevShop 0.x Status
1.x In Development 3.x D6,D7,D8 DevMaster 1.x Status DevShop 1.x Status

DevShop is a "cloud hosting" system for Drupal. DevShop makes it easy to host, develop, test and update drupal sites. It provides a front-end built in Drupal (Devmaster) and a back-end built with drush (DevShop Provision).

DevShop deploys your sites using git, and allows you to create unlimited environments for each site. DevShop makes it very easy to deploy any branch or tag to each environment

Code is deployed on push to your git repo automatically. Deploy any branch or tag to any environment. Data (the database and files) can be deployed between environments. Run the built-in hooks whenever code or data is deployed, or write your own.



DevShop Homepage

OpenDevShop Homepage: Projects List

The OpenDevShop Homepage shows you a birds evey view of all of your projects. The name, install profile, git URL, Drupal Version, and a list of all the environments are visible at a glance.

Each environment indicator is updated in realtime. You can see the status of the latest task for every site in your system.

DevShop Project Dashboard

OpenDevShop Project Dashboard

The project dashboard shows you all the information you need about your website. Git URL, list of branches and tags, links to GitHub, links to the live environment, Drush aliases, and most importantly: your project's environments.

Each block is a running copy of your website. Name them whatever you want. Each one shows you the drupal version, the current git branch or tag, the URLs that are available, the last commit time, a files browser, and a backup system.

Environments Dashboard

OpenDevShop Environment

Under the "Environment Settings" button is a list of possible tasks:

  • Download Modules allows you to add drupal modules and themes to your project, automatically committing them to git.
  • Clone Environment creates an exact copy of your environment with a new name.
  • Fork Environment runs a clone, then creates a new branch with a name of your choice!
  • Disable & Destroy Environment. A setting prevents environments from being destroyed in two clicks, use at your discretion.
  • Flush all caches, Rebuild Registry, Run Cron,etc. *These tasks are not really needed if you use Deploy hooks! Cron is always enabled, and caches can be cleared on every code deployment.
  • Backup / Restore, as you would expect.
  • Run Tests allows you to manually trigger test runs.


Environment Code Deploy

  • The Deploy Code control allow you to easily change what branch or tag an environment is tracking.
  • Deploy Data allows you to deliver new database and files to your environment.
  • Deploy Stack allows you to move your environment's services (like database and files) from one server to another.


Environment Task Logs

At the bottom of each environment block is a status indicator for the last task that was run on the environment.

You can click any task to view the detailed logs of any task.

DevShop Logs

DevShop is designed for developers. We want to give them exactly the information they need. No more, no less.

Out of this came the design of our task logs. We strive to make DevShop's activities as clear and transparent as possible.

Deploy Code Logs

Deploy Hooks Logs

After the code is deployed with git, any number of Deploy Hooks can be run.


We are starting to track our efforts using EPICs and Huboard: https://huboard.com/opendevshop/devshop

You can browse the tag EPIC in the GitHub issues to get an idea of what efforts are underway https://github.com/opendevshop/devshop/labels/EPIC


DevShop currenly consists of four main components:


DevShop core. This repository


DevShop Front-End.

DevShop Provision

DevShop Drush commands.



See the installation instructions for detailed information on installing DevShop.


Using devshop is a lot like using aegir.

Visit http://devshop.local or your chosen domain in the browser to view the front-end.

SSH into your server as the aegir user to access the back-end.

Use drush to access any of your sites. Use drush sa to see the list of available aliases.


There is now a vagrantfile for DevShop that makes for an easy way to test it out and to contribute to the development of DevShop.

It is included in this package. To use, clone this repo and vagrant up.

Vagrant Development Mode

By default, vagrant development mode is on. This is set in vars.yml:

# Set development to FALSE if you wish to test a "clean" devshop install.
vagrant_development: true

If vagrant development is set to TRUE, then the script vagrant-prepare-host.sh is run on the first call to vagrant up.

This script requires drush and git to be installed on the host, so that we can build devmaster and clone the repos locally.

The source files are cloned into the /source folder in this repo, which is mounted inside the vagrant box. Once up and running, you can edit any files in the /source folder and it will be immediately visible in the VM.


Very rudimentary testing is happening on TravisCI at http://travisci.org/opendevshop/devshop

TravisCI tests on Ubuntu 12.04, therefor 12.04 is the most supported.

The install script has been tested on:

  • ubuntu 12.04
  • centos 7.0


DevShop is licensed under GPL v2.

This means any forks of this code must be released as open source and also be licensed under the GPL.

Help Improve Documentation

Think this can be improved? You can edit this file on GitHub and select "Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request.".
