
Helm charts for the default Okteto Cloud Application Catalog

Primary LanguageHTML

Okteto Application Catalog

This Helm repository contains the default Helm charts for the Okteto Cloud default repository:

Contributor Guide

We welcome contributions! Are we missing your favorite Cloud Native App? Want to upgrade an existing one?

The main process is:

  • File an issue with your idea, in case someone else on the community is already working on it (or ping us via slack).
  • Fork https://github.com/okteto/charts.
  • Add your chart source code in a new folder (Review https://okteto.com/docs/tutorials/repos/index.html to see how to make your chart Okteto Cloud friendly).
  • If adding a new chart, include an icon for your chart as $YOUR_CHART/icon.png
  • Submit a PR with the chart.

For more details, you can visit https://okteto.com/blog/get-started-with-the-okteto-cloud-application-catalog/

To test the chart:

  • Login to Okteto from your terminal: okteto login
  • Export the name of the namespace you'll deploy into (typically your github ID): export NAMESPACE=rberrelleza
  • Push your changes to Okteto Cloud: okteto push --deploy
  • Add your catalog to your Okteto Cloud account in https://cloud.okteto.com/#/settings/repositories
  • Deploy your app (the apps from the default catalog will have an okteto label).

Okteto Cloud is a multitenant platform. Because of this, charts deployed via Okteto have certain restrictions. Check out this document to learn more about it.

Feel free to reach out to us in the #okteto channel in the Kubernetes Slack or Twitter if you get stuck.