
Desktop agent for the AGRIFUTURE web app

Primary LanguagePHP

AGRIFUTURE Desktop Agent

User documentation can be found on our website: * Installation Instructions * User Manuall

The sections bellow give a brief introduction for developers.

Launcher Script

The Launcher Script is a Text User Interface which simplifies the starting of the Docker Image where the Symfony application is located. It allows selecting the user language as well as directory where the analysis will be located to be mounted into the container, downloading the latest version of the Docker Image with the Symfony application, starting the application with the required arguments, starts the web browser with the Desktop Agent in the language the user selected, and executes a command to the application when it is exited to cancel the currently running analysis.

Only the Docker Image is upgraded automatically. Users need to upgrade the launcher script manually. Avoid breaking changes which result in a Launcher Script being incompatible with another version of the Symfony application.

The Launcher Script is currently maintained for Debian GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS. The files are located in the Desktop Agent source code under src/launcher.

Building and Running the Docker Image

Development Environment

This does differ from Production Builds. Do test the production container before deploying it. As the Docker Image is automatically updated by the Launcher Script, testing it before deployment is important.

To develop the application, a Docker Compose file is included. To get started with development, running docker compse up is sufficient. It will then be available locally on port 8041.

Once started, you need to run the following commands inside the container:

  • composer install
  • composer build:frontend:development

The development environment behaves similarly to a Desktop Agent where the directory selected in the Launcher Script equals to volumes/data in the working directory of the source code. Similarly, the SQLite database is stored in volumes/fakehome instead of the platform-dependent path used by the Launcher Script.

Changes to some parts of the application (for example, the app:watch command) may require restarting the application. Some parts of the Launcher Script, such as canceling the current analysis on shutdown, are not simulated and must be executed manually (for example, by executing php bin/console app:cancel-analysis inside the container).

You may need to adjust the following environment variables inside docker-compose.yml:

  • ADA_PORTAL_DE and ADA_PORTAL_EN are used to determine the base URL of the Portal. The URL must not contain a tailing solidus. Appending /api should yield a valid Base URL for the API. Both the API URL and the URLs to the frontend are derived from these variables, with the former being used in the german locale and the latter in english.
  • ADA_RUN_UUID can be changed if you wish to run multiple analysis in parallel.

The source code is located in src/docker/buildfiles/opt/ada/app.

Production Builds

Production builds are executed automatically as soon as a tag is created with GitHub actions. The steps needed to create the build can be summarized as follows:

  • Build the docker image.
  • Replace {{ VERSION }} in all files which need it, including src/launcher/agrifuture-desktop-agent.sh.
  • Create an installer which moves the files needed for the platform to paths where the platform expects such files.

For more details, you may want to check the section about installing the Desktop Agent from source code on GNU/Linux from the User Manual.

Authorization with the API

The authorization workflow using the generateToken endpoint is implemented in \App\Service\ApiService::generateToken. Getting information about the current token as well as checking if they are still valid using getTokenInformation is implemented in \App\Service\ApiService::getTokenInformation.

The application uses the Symfony Security component to manage authorization. Every page other than the login page is configured to require a token. The plumbing to support the API authentication is implemented in App\Security.

Once a user is logged in, the token is not only stored in the browser session, but also in the database in the token table. This means users can use any browser on the local computer and share the same login in addition to being able to use synchronization features to share a token on multiple devices. Triggering a logout invalidates both the session in the currently running browser and removes the token from the database; other browsers may still be logged in.

Running an Analysis using the Desktop Agent

Once a user has filled out the form, all data is sent to the createAnalysis endpoint in App\Service\createAnalysis. If the Portal conforms the request and the id is received, it is stored in the local database together with the name, last known status, and the directory selected by the user. As this information is not sufficient to render the detail page or the current analysis section of the header, the current analysis status is fetched when needed.

The result of the getAnalysis endpoint is locally cached for up to one minute in order to increase performance. The cache is invalidated every time the database entry of the analysis or analysis uploads is changed.

Upon starting of the Desktop Agent, the command php bin/console app:watcher is executed. If it ever exits, it is automatically restarted. It checks in a loop if an analysis is running by looking in the database, and if it is, it checks the files in the selected directory. The command is implemented in App\Command\WatcherCommand.

If it contains a file that isn't yet uploaded, the file gets uploaded. A database entry is created for the uploaded file containing the name and errors (if an error occurred while uploading). Errors are shown in the Desktop Agent when visiting the detail view of the analysis. All files which were successfully uploaded are ignored in the next iteration of the loop. The detail page may also compare uploads received from the getAnalysis endpoint and warn the user if differences are detected.

If the received status of the analysis is either finished or crashed, the Desktop Agent will know the analysis was finished. The next time the detail page is loaded, all data associated with the analysis is removed from the database. This includes the analysis itself, the database entries for uploaded files and cached getAnalysis results. The user will be redirected to the page for creating a new analysis and is shown both a translated human-readable version of the reason provided by the Portal and any errors and warnings encountered while uploading files.

A user stopping, cancelling or pausing the analysis will use the updateStatus endpoint to change the status of the analysis. It will also update the last known status in the local database, potentially triggering a cleanup once the page is reloaded as described in the previous paragraph.

If the user interrupts the production build of the Desktop Agent or if a developer executes php bin/console app:cancel-analysis, the status changes into crashed and the database is immediately cleaned up as described above.

Error Pages

If an undesirable state is detected, the request is forwarded to App\ControllerErrorController. The directory src/docker/buildfiles/opt/ada/app/templates/pages/error contains the templates for these errors. Additionally, the status of the analysis may show up as "Unknown": if an analysis is running and the current status cannot be determined.

The following errors are common and have their own error pages:

  • API Access Forbidden1: This error is generated if an endpoint such as getTokenInformation returns status code 403, prompting the user to reconnect their account. The most probable cause is that the user is not an End User. This is checked on each page load in \App\EventListener\EarlyErrorDetection. It can also be triggered in various controllers.
  • Forbidden The getAnalysis endpoint can only fetch the information of an analysis which the same user started. If a user switches accounts while an analysis is running, an attempt to view the running analysis will result on this error page. The user is presented with two options: logging in using another account or "abandoning" their analysis, meaning the Desktop Agent will forget that the analysis is running without canceling it. The error is shown only when the user visits the detail view of the analysis.
  • Invalid Token indicates that the token is no longer valid. The token was probably revoked either in the Portal, or because the user deleted their account. This is checked on each page load in \App\EventListener\EarlyErrorDetection. It can also be triggered in various controllers.
  • Offline means the Desktop Agent didn't receive status code 204 from the checkInternetConnectivity endpoint. Maybe the user is offline or network settings prevent access to the portal. In the Development Environment, it may mean that ADA_PORTAL_DE or ADA_PORTAL_EN are wrong or that the local portal hasn't started.

In case an error needs to be debugged, the following tips may be helpful:

  • Check if the Portal has generated any error logs in var/logs.
  • Debug the response received either in the Desktop Agent in \App\Service\ApiService or in the Portal before it is sent at the end of \TRITUM\RapidPipeline\Middleware\ApiDispatcher::process.


  1. Any link to the Desktop Agent assumes it is running on port 8041. This is the case for the Development Environment and may be the case for Production Builds. If it isn't, try incrementing the port number until it works. If multiple Desktop Agents are running at the same time, each will have a distinct port starting at 8041.