Relieve memory pressure on your overstressed server! Load only those chunks that matter!

Modrinth Badge

Vanilla Minecraft uses the same view distance setting for all dimensions. High values allow you to admire the scenery in the overworld, but they also load lots of heavy chunks in the Nether that you will never see due to obstruction and the fog.

This mod allows setting view distance per dimension. You can dial it up where it matters, and save resources where it doesn't!


/viewdistance set minecraft:the_nether 10 - Sets the view distance of the nether to 10.
/viewdistance get minecraft:overworld - Gets the active view distance of the overworld.
/viewdistance get global - Gets global view distance.
/viewdistance set global 10 - Temporarily sets global view distance to 10 (only on dedicated servers)