
A Powershell (v3+) text user interface library

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Build status

A Powershell (v3+) text user interface library.


If you have WMF 5, or PackageManagement installed, just use:

Install-Module SLMenu

Otherwise, download from the Releases tab and put in your PSModulePath.


SLMenu can be used to create an interactive menu, and either execute code or return data when an option is selected.

The menu can be navigated using the cursor keys and enter, or using the key for each line.

$MenuItems = @(
  New-SLMenuItem -Key '1' -Name 'Option 1' -Data { Invoke-Option1 }
  New-SLMenuItem -Key '2' -Name 'Option 2' -Data { Invoke-Option2 }
  New-SLMenuItem -Key '3' -Name 'Option 3 Menu' -Data { Show-Option3Menu }
  New-SLMenuItem -Separator
Show-SLMenuExecute -MenuItems $MenuItems -Title 'Test Menu' -Clear


For more detailed help with each function, use Get-Help within powershell.
Also see Examples.ps1 above.


Show the menu on the screen and return the selected item.


As Show-SLMenu, and execute the selected item.
The -Data param of all MenuItems must be a ScriptBlock.


Shows a menu with Yes/No options, and returns $true/$false


Returns a new PSObject list (System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]).
This is to make it easier to create a dynamic list of MenuItems.

$MenuItems = New-SLMenuItemList
$MenuItems.Add( (New-SLMenuItem -Key '1' -Name 'Item 1' -Data 1) )
if ($IncludeTwo) {
  $MenuItems.Add( (New-SLMenuItem -Key '2' -Name 'Item 2' -Data 2) )
$MenuItems.Add( (New-SLMenuItem -Separator) )
$MenuItems.Add( (New-SLMenuItemQuit -Name 'Back') )

Show-SLMenu -MenuItems $MenuItems -Title 'Test Menu'



Create a new Menu item.
There are 3 mandatory parameters;
-Key [char] - which key to press to select the menu
-Name [string] - the label shown for the menu
-Data [object] - what to return if this item is selected

There are two special Menu Items that can be created:


This is a non-selectable menu item that shows the label (-Name). The label is not indented.


This is a non-selectable menu item the is intended to separate groups of menu items. It shows just '--------'.


This creates a menu item, intended to be used to quit from a menu.
It will return $null for -Data.
-Name will default to 'quit', but can be overridden.
It will bind they keys q, Q, ESC, and Ctrl-c.


Creates a list of MenuItems, and populates it with all values in a Enum.
-Include and -Exclude can be used to filter the list


Will turn an integer into a printable character.
-MenuNumber should be between 1 and 59

Nesting Menus

You can easily nest menus my wrapping a function around a menu, and using Slow-SLMenuExecute

function Show-SubMenu1 {
  $MenuItems = @(
    New-SLMenuItem -Key '1' -Name 'One' -Data 1
    New-SLMenuItem -Key '2' -Name 'Two' -Data 2
  Show-SLMenu -MenuItems $MenuItems -Title 'Test Menu' -Clear  

function Show-SubMenu2 {
  $MenuItems = @(
    New-SLMenuItem -Key '1' -Name 'Eleven' -Data 11
    New-SLMenuItem -Key '2' -Name 'Twelve' -Data 12
  Show-SLMenu -MenuItems $MenuItems -Title 'Test Menu' -Clear  

$MenuItems = @(
  New-SLMenuItem -Key '1' -Name 'SubMenu 1' -Data { Show-SubMenu1 }
  New-SLMenuItem -Key '2' -Name 'SubMenu 2' -Data { Show-SubMenu2 }
  New-SLMenuItem -Separator

Show-SLMenuExecute -MenuItems $MenuItems -Title 'Test Menu' -Clear -LoopAfterChoice


These two functions provide a way to show status information.


It can be used like:

Write-SLLineText 'Task Name'
try {
  Write-SLLineState -Ok -Next
catch {
  Write-SLLineState -Fail -Next
  # Handle error


Write the status part of the line e.g."[ ok ]"

There are several pre-defined message:


or you can use your own text with:

-Message 'My Message'

if you don't use any params, then dots '....' will be used


Write text after the status block. This function will make sure the text does not overlap the status block, and does not wrap to the next line.



Clear (by writing spaces) the curent line, optionally from the start, and optionally repeat for multiple lines.

> Clear-SLConsoleLine -FromStart -Return -Count 5

# -FromStart: Move back to the start of the current line first
# -Return: Move back to original cursor position after clearing
# -Count: Clear this number of lines (default 1)


This provides several ways to move the cursor around the screen.

Move-SLConsoleCursor -CursorPosition $CursorPosition
# This requires a Management.Automation.Host.Coordinates object (from $Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition)

Move-SLConsoleCursor -X $x -Y $y
# Move to position $x, $y
# -X and -Y are optional (but you should provide one)

Move-SLConsoleCursor -Up $u -Down $d -Left $l -Right $r
# Move relative to current position
# All parameters are optional (again, you should provide at least one)