This project is part of the Udacity Full Stack JavaScript Nanodegree. The task was to implement a API for a FrontEnd Application describend in
It should showcase following functionality:
- setting up postgreSQL database in Node.js
- up/down migrations with db-migrate
- handling the structure between database models, route handlers and http verbs
- follwing a test driven development approach with jasmine and supertest
- password hashin with bcrypt
- json web tokens for protecting routes (JWT)
Make sure that you habe PostgreSQL installed, otherwise install PostgreSQL from their homepage.
postgres --version
Start Postgres with
(sudo) su - postgres
and enter the Postgres terminal with
psql postgres
(you have to enter your superuser and postgres password)
Create the database
Create a user and grant access to this database
CREATE USER <user_name> WITH PASSWORD '<password>';
Connect to the database
\c <db_name>
Display the tables (no relations should be found)
Now that you can create a database and a user, you should create one database (with a user) for production and one database (with a user - you can use the same as for the dev db) for testing.
The project will work with your database if you name your environment variables in the .env file (from dotenv) accordingly:
DB_HOST = "<where you DB is hosted (for development usually localhost)>"
DB_NAME = "<db_name>"
DB_USER = "<user_name>"
DB_PASSWORD = "<password>"
TEST_DB_NAME = "<db_name>" (for tests)
Other environment variables that are necessary
ENV = "dev" (decided to run with dev db or test db)
BCRYPT_PW = "<write some string to pepper your encryption>"
SALT_ROUNDS = "<write an integer to say how many times the pw should be hashed>"
TOKEN_SECRET = "<write a string for the JWT secret>"
PROJECT_PATH = "<path to your served project>"
Install the node modules
npm install
Load the database schema with
db-migrate up
Run the test suite with
npm run test-up
and afterwards reset the test-database with
npm run test-down
you can start this API with
npm run start
The server runs on localhost:3000 on default.
Show and Index routes never require a token. Create, Update and Delete routes usually do.
The user consists out of
- id
- first_name
- last_name
- password
- recentPurchases (optional)
Creating the user doesn't need a token. You can login with your credentials on /users/login
The passwords gets hashed with bcrypt.
On the Show route (GET users/:id) you also get recentPurchases back, an array of max. 5 Products the user recently ordered.
The product consists out of
- id
- name
- price
- category
The usual CRUD routes are implemented, you need a user token for all manipulating routes.
The order consists out of
- id
- user_id
- status
The order stores orders connected to a specific users and saves the current status (active or finished). The usual CRUD routes are implemented, you need a user token for all manipulating routes.
The order consists out of
- id
- order_id
- quantity
- product_id
The order_lists stores the products and quantity connected to a specific order. The usual CRUD routes are implemented, you need a user token for all manipulating routes.