
Open source port of original Astro Force game for Sega Master System

Primary LanguageC


Assume the following utilities are added to Environment PATH:

  • folder2c
  • bmp2tile
  • bintolm
  • smsexamine

Ensure that build.bat file is ASCII If not then build.bat file errors: 'smsexamine' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Solution https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8320648/my-bat-not-recognized-as-an-internal-or-external-command-operable-program-or-ba

09/11/2019 Today I comment out all these functions in order to get the game to build intro1_psg


UpdateStage7MiddleBoss0 UpdateStage7MiddleBoss1 UpdateStage7MiddleBoss2


InitStage7MiddleBoss InitStage7EndBossB InitStage7EndBoss

FinishStage7MiddleBoss DrawAracPatternMovement UpdateStage3EndBoss1
