
SteveSubtitle is a software that allows you to show subtitles when you are recording. For WindowsOS and python.

Primary LanguagePython




SteveSubtitle 1.0.0, including both English and Chinese, for WindowsOS and python. You can use it as recording or live broadcast. Window ALWAYS on top. Easy to use.

How to use?

  1. Run it.

  2. Enter the subtitle in the textbox. ENscreenshot1

  3. Press Save button. IMPORTANT! 截图20210606091238

  4. Use Del to delete this subtitle, Prev to show the very last subtitle, Next to show next subtitle, Add to add a subtitle right after this subtitle.

SteveSubtitle 1.0.0,包括英文和中文,适用于WindowsOS 和python。 您可以将其用作录屏或直播。 窗口总是在顶部。 易于使用。


  1. 运行它。

  2. 在文本框中输入字幕。 截图20210606091514

  3. 按下刷新按钮。 截图20210606091601

  4. 使用删除删除这个字幕,上一个显示最后一个字幕,下一个显示下一个字幕,添加在这个字幕后面添加一个字幕。