
Heres the problem statements:


Auth Using Arrays

Build a signup form that takes in the details such as Name, Surname, Age, Email, Password, confirm password and then stores the values in an array only if both the passwords match and show a JS alert that says success once the submit button is pressed or else it shows a JS alert saying the passwords do not match. Feel free to use resources on the internet. Feel free to add your own styling (css & bootstraps). Your Array Structure: [‘Name’,’Surname’,’Age’,’Email’,’Password’,’Confirm Password’] Example html & css screen for the form is shown below. Please uplaod your code to github and provide us with a link to your repo.


Profile of user

Create a sign in system where the user can edit his profile and save it and then log out. Assume the user is a student, he should be able to change his name, surname ,age, degree and his favourite course. You may only use the programming language or framework that you chose for your specialisation. There is no correct answer for this, do what you feel is right and think, do what you feel is right.


Authentication System

Create an Auth System that uses a simple html forms as the UI. You will need to make 2 html pages, one for sign in and one for sign up. Design your own database architecture to store the sign up details in the database. The user should be able to sign in after they have signed up. When the user signs up the user should be notified ‘You have signed up’. When the user signs in, the user should be notified ‘You have signed in’. You may only use the programming language or framework you chose as your Specialisation to attempt this challenge. There is no correct answer for this, brain storm and just make what you think is right.


During these challenges, here's what I learned:

-How to use packages and the package.json file, -How to use express to route and serve webpages, -How to validate a form before submission, -How to use different http methods (get, delete, post, put), -How to insert and query MongoDB, and -Although the purpose of this challenges was to test server side skills, I put a tiny bit of effort in styling the pages, that also imporved my css skills.