
A gulp plugin that takes a master icon and automatically generates icon set for your Chrome extension by parsing the v2 manifest

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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A Gulp plugin for chrome-manifest-iconify

When creating a Chrome extension, you need to provide a set of icons for context menus, browser actions, page actions, and the Chrome Web Store. Usually, these are just resized versions of the same image. The goal of gulp-chrome-manifest-iconify is to intellegently automate the tedious process of generated all these resized clones. In a Gulp task, simply pipe this plugin a master icon and indicate the path to a v2 manifest. It will parse the manifest to determine the sizes, names, types, and paths of the icons it needs to generate. You can choose from several resizing algorithms as provide by Sharp so your entire icon set looks awesome.


npm install --save-dev gulp-chrome-manifest-iconify



The gulp-chrome-manifest-iconify module


const gulp = require('gulp');
const chromeManifestIconify = require('gulp-chrome-manifest-iconify');

gulp.task('default', () =>
            manifest: 'src/manifest.json',
            resizeMode: 'nearest'

module.exports(options) ⇒ Stream

A Gulp plugin that generates icon set for a Chrome extension or app by parsing the v2 manifest.

Kind: Exported function
Returns: Stream - A Node stream that produces the icons

Param Type Default Description
options object The options for generating the icons
[options.manifest] string "manifest.json" The path to the v2 manifest.json
[options.resizeMode] string The name of a Sharp kernel