Thank you for signing up for the workshop. I am excited to meet and talk with you. Following are the tasks I urge you to do before you come. These files would be used as part of tech workshop on NLP.
If you are an attendee of the workshop, here is what you need to do before you come for the session: (a) Download all the files in this repository into a separate directory (b) If you do not have python installed in your machine, download any free online python IDE. I have used PyCharm Community edition (2016.3) ( (c) Please download nltk and download all the text corpora available at (i.e. run the following two commands using a ipyhon notebook: (a) import nltk (b) ) (d) Also install the following packages from online free resources: Numpy, Pandas, Tensorflow, Keras. In my experience anaconda ( is a good package manager that MAY serve all your needs. Check that you have installed the packages correctly.
I am excited for the workshop. The immense popularity of NLP and immense number of use cases that could be solved gives problem-solvers like you an adrenalin rush.
NOTE, NOTE, NOTE: Though I do not intend to change the contents of the repo, I would urge you to revisit this repo on or after 1 Nov. If I have made any changes, I would list them under the section "CHANGES-POST-1NOV2017".
CHANGES-POST-1NOV2017: (a) Added a link to download PyCharm Community edition (2016.3) (b) Here are illustrative list of instructions to install pycharm and Anaconda. Please note that in this page there is a youtube video with instructions.