
Host file tools written in rust.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

rhosts (rh)

Host file tools written in Rust conceived while stuck at home during a pandemic.

Take note

This is all very preliminary. This is not presently fit for general consumption.

Calling rh

This is the output from $ rh -h.

$ rh -h                                                                                                
rhosts 0.0.2
Steven Black <hosts@sbc.io>
Tools to mess with hosts files.



    -c, --compare <COMPAREHOSTS>
            The hosts file to compare to mainhosts

            Use the contents of the system clipboard as compare hosts

    -d, --default_hosts <ADDDEFAULTS>
            Add default hosts assigments


    -h, --help
            Print help information

        --intersection-list <INTERSECTION_LIST>
            Print the intersection of lists

        --ip <IPLOCALHOST>
            The ip address to use for hosts [default:]

    -m, --main <MAINHOSTS>
            The main hosts file, the basis for comparison [default: base]

            Skip any cache

        --noheader <NOHEADER>
            Omit the file comment headers in output

    -o, --output <OUTPUT>
            Print the domains to std out

    -p, --plain <PLAIN_OUTPUT>
            Domains with no IP addresses

    -q, --quiet
            Quiet, single tally, terse output mode

    -s, --sort <ALPHA_SORT>
            Sort the domains

        --stats <STATS>
            Print the domains to std out

        --tld <TLD>
            Print top level domain tallies

    -u, --unique <UNIQUELIST>
            List the unique domain names

    -v, --verbose
            List the unique domain names

    -V, --version
            Print version information

    build    Build hosts files
    cache    Cache hosts files
    help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    init     Initialize cache and templates

Vision for this project

I see this becoming a full-featured swiss-knife for assessing and working with amalgamated hosts files.


Mission for development

Ultimately this will

  1. replace the python-based hosts build tools
  2. replace ghosts, the set of ancillary tools, written in Go, to assess various hosts lists,

Goals of this project

Here is the list of tangible goals for the project.

  • Extensible architecture so development can progress cleanly on many fronts.
  • Collect and maintain historical statistics about amalgamated lists oriduced, and of the component lists that make up the amalgamated hosts.
  • Ability to asses the impact of each list in the composition of amalgamated hosts.
  • Ability to asses the impact of proposed additions to the amalgamated hosts.

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