
Deploy OHIF Viewer on Azure and Configure it to work with Azure Health Dicom service

MIT LicenseMIT

Azure DICOM service with OHIF viewer

OHIF Viewer is a open source non-diagnostic DICOM viewer that uses DICOMweb API's to find and render DICOM images.

This project provides guidence on deployment of OHIF Viewer on Azure and configurations needed to work with Azure Health Data Services DICOM service .


Create a new Azure Health Data DICOM service

  • Create a Azure Health Data services workspace.
  • Create a DICOM service. Go to the newly created resource.
  • Make a note of the Service URL (the URL to the newly created DICOM service), it will be used in a later step.
  • Assign roles to yourself or users accessing OHIF viewer to provide read write access using "DICOM Data Owner" Role.
  • Set CORS on DICOM service created in the previous step to allow web URL's that can access the service.

Register an application with Microsoft Identity platform

  • Register a new application. Choose Accounts in this organizational directory only for who can access and skip Redirect URI.
  • Grant scoped permission to the DICOM service
    • Skip Certificates and secrets, since we will use delegated/on-behalf of workflow
    • Grant admin consent for your org to use the API. Verify the green check in the diagram is checked.
    • API permissions view with Admin consent
  • Make a note of the Application (client) ID, it will be used in a later step.
  • Make a note of the Azure Active Directory Directory (tenant) ID, it will be used in a later step. (It can also be found on the root Overview page of your Azure Active Directory. There it is listed as Tenant ID.)
  • Leave this browser tab open, as it will be used to add a redirect URI in a later step.

Deploy OHIF Viewer on Azure Storage Static Website

  • Click on the button to deploy a new Storage Account and configure it to host OHIF.

    Provide the following inputs:

    Parameter Value Description
    Subscription user provided Desired subsciption to host the OHIF viewer
    Resource Group user provided Desired Resource Group name. May be a new or existing.
    Region user provided Desired Azure Region to host the Resource Group and Storage account website.
    Storage Account Name user provided Desired name of storage account. This will appear in the OHIF URL.
    Dicom Service Url Service URL Existing DICOM service URL (noted above)
    Aad Teanant Id Directory (tenant) ID Existing Azure subscription AAD Tenant Id (noted above)
    Application Client ID Application (client) ID Existing Application Client ID (noted above)
  • Make a note of the storageAccountWebEndpoint from the ARM deployment output variable. (You can find the output variables on the left-hand column, once the custom ARM template has successfully completed creating resources.)

Complete the configuration of the application created earlier

  • Go back to browser tab with the AAD application created earlier (or reopen if necessary).
  • Add a redirect URI to the OHIF viewer callback url to pass the token the web app.
    • Under Configure platforms, select the Web tile.
    • Specify the redirect URI to %storageAccountWebEndpoint%/callback.
    • Select "Access tokens" and "ID tokens" flow.
    • Auth Redirect setup

Note: If you receive a Need admin approval (as below), ensure you have green check in the Status column of of the Configured Permissions of your application. (See Register an application with Microsoft Identity platform section above.) In some organizations, this may require a separate, and potentially manual, process for approval.

Auth Error

Test the installation

  • Browse to the storageAccountWebEndpoint to access OHIF viewer

You can do additional Domain and CDN configurations as need.


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