
Add up scores from a given array of distance from bullseye!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


You've just recently been hired to calculate scores for a Dart Board game

Scoring Specs

  • 0 points: radius above 10
  • 5 points: radius between 5 and 10 inclusive
  • 10 points: radius less than 5

If all radiuses are less than 5, award 100 BONUS POINTS! An empty array should return 0.

Write a function named scoreThrows that accepts an Array of Numbers and returns a total score using the above specification.


scoreThrows( [1, 5, 11] ) => returns 15 
scoreThrows( [15, 20, 30] ) => returns 0
scoreThrows( [1, 2, 3, 4] ) => returns 140

Additional Requirements

  • Create a Git Repository for this challenge
    • commit often and have your commit messages be descriptive
  • Write tests for your function using the Mocha and Chai Libraries.
    • Provide test for all cases. Handle unexpected inputs, invalid arguments, etc.