
An android example App for bluetooth scan via python-for-android kit

Primary LanguagePython

Python for Android Development HowTo

tags: Python-for-Android Python Android Kivy

Introduction and Background

  • In convenience of porting already complete Python function/program to Android platform, we can use Python-for-Android to deploy Python program without Java programming.
  • We utilize Kivy, an open source Python module, to design our UI or Android service.

Environment for PC and testing Android platform

  • PC environment information
Env. Info Content
Host OS Windows 8.1
Guest OS Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Virutal Machine VMWare Workstation Player 15
CPU Intel Core i5-5200
CPU Arch. x86_64
  • Android platform environment information
Env. Info Content
Android version 10
CPU Qualcomm Kyro 260
CPU Arch. ARM64-v8a

Develop Environment Buildup

  • First of all, install dependency kit in Ubuntu.
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk libffi-dev openssl zlib1g unzip autoconf automake libtool cmake python3 python3-pip python3-dev adb libglib2.0-dev
  • After installation finished, install Python module virtualenv
$ pip3 install virtualenv
  • Create a Python virtual environment via virtualenv
    • This step is optional but suggested.
$ mkdir <your_project_name>
$ cd <your_project_name>
$ python3 -m venv <project_env_name>
$ echo \#\!bin/bash >> venv_init
$ echo -e "\nsource <project_env_name>/bin/activate" >> venv_init
$ echo \#\!bin/bash >> venv_exit
$ echo -e "\ndeactivate" >> venv_exit
  • Virtual environment start up and exit
$ source venv_init  # Start up
$ source venv_exit  # Exit environment
  • After virtual environment is started up, install dependency kit.
$ pip3 install virtualenv cython kivy python-for-android buildozer
$ p4a
usage: p4a [-h] [-v]

A packaging tool for turning Python scripts and apps into Android APKs
  • Then, we will install Android cmd develop kit.
    • Please download command line tool from Android Official.
    • Please note that sdkmanager --list should NOT contain any Java Exception.
$ cd ~/
$ mkdir Android ; cd Android
$ unzip cmdtool*   # Please move your downloaded .zip file to here manually
$ mkdir cmdline-tools ; mv tools cmdline-tools
$ ln -s ./cmdline-tools/tools tools # for solving bug for Android cmd tools
$ export PATH="$HOME/Android/cmdline-tools/tools/bin:$HOME/Android/cmdline-tools/tools:$PATH
$ sdkmanager --list

Available Packages:
  Path                                | Version      | Description                                                         
  -------                             | -------      | -------   
  add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-15 | 3            | Google APIs                                                         
  add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-16 | 4            | Google APIs                                                         
  add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-17 | 4            | Google APIs                                           
  add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-18 | 4            | Google APIs

  • After Android SDK manager is ready, we install Android tools for development and p4a usage.
    • Necessary Tools: platforms build-tools ndk
    • You can choose your tool version for customization. Don`t forget to change the correspond version of the tools.
$ sdkmanager "platforms;android-27"
$ sdkmanager "build-tools;28.0.2"
$ sdkmanager "ndk;20.1.5948944“
$ export ANDROIDSDK="$HOME/Android"
$ export ANDROIDNDK="$HOME/Android/ndk/20.1.5948944"
  • Add this two environment variable into script venv_init, to prevent missing export.
$ echo -e "export ANDROIDSDK="$HOME/Android"" >> venv_init
$ echo -e "export ANDROIDNDK="$HOME/Android/ndk/20.1.5948944"" >> venv_init
$ echo -e "unset ANDROIDSDK" >> venv_exit
$ echo -e "unset ANDROIDNDK" >> venv_exit
  • All of the environment buildup has finished. Try your first Python-for-Android App with Kivy !

Run your first APP on Android platform via P4A and Kivy

  • In very early testing step, I try this code for flow testing.
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.label import Label

class HelloApp(App):
    def build(self):
        return Label(text="Hello Kivy, Hello Steven")
if __name__ == '__main__':
    myapp = HelloApp()
  • The directory for the source code is suggested to put in directory src, such as the example downward: dir_ex
  • Test if the APP runs on PC environment with UI output.
$ python3 src/main.py


  • Then, type the p4a command to generate apk file
    • Don`t forget to change related parameter to fit CPU arch, Android version...etc.
    • You can change package name, APP name, dist name and APP version in your favorite.
    • First time packing apks takes about 30 to 60 minutes. Please wait paitently.
p4a apk --private ./src --requirements=python3,kivy \
        --bootstrap=sdl2 --arch=arm64-v8a --android_api=29 \
        --package=example.kivy.stch --name=Kivy_p4a_Test --dist_name=STCH_Kivy_Test \
        --release --version 0.0.2


  • After packing apk, p4a will output unsigned apk. Developer must sign it by jarsigner with keystore.
$ jarsigner -verbose -keystore <your_ks_name>.keystore -signedjar <signed_apk_filename><unsigned_apk_filename> <alias_name of the keystore> -storepass <passwd_of_keystore>
  • In first time signing apk, you should generate a keystore file before signing.
$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore <your_ks_name>.keystore -alias <ks_alias_name> -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
  • After signing the apk, the generated apk can be installed into Android platform.


  • APK can be instsalled via two methods
    • Move apk file to Android platform and install
    • Install via adb command
  • You should get the permission to allow install unauthorized apk if you want to install the apk via file moving.
  • If you want to install apk via adb, you should open USB debugging and Android developor option.
$ adb install *.apk
  • After installation finished, you can open the App and view up your first testing APP!


Manual for make commands

  • For the convenience of testing your App on the Android platform, I have written a Makefile to simplify the complex development process.

p4a parameters

  • p4a APK packing tool includes lots of parameter, developer should input it while packing APK in every time.
  • So, I write a target apk in the Makefile to bring these parameters into the p4a automatically.
  • Guide for each parameter
Parameter Description
SRC Directory for the python source file
REQUIREMENT Required python module for runtime usage
PERMISSION APK permission input
BOOTSTRAP Bootstrap frontend framework name
ARCH CPU architecture of the target platform
ANDROAPI Android platform API version
PKGNAME Packge Name of the APP
APPNAME APP name shown on the Android APP list
DISTNAME Distro Name (Output APK file name prefix)
VERSION APP version No.
  • Note of the parameter input:
    • For multiple REQUIREMENT input, please divide each module with ,
    • For multiple PERMISSION input, please divide each permission with WHITE_SPACE
  • Example Input
# p4a parameter example
SRC         := ./src
REQUIREMENT := python3,kivy,jnius,numpy,android
BOOTSTRAP   := sdl2
ARCH        := arm64-v8a
ANDROAPI    := 29
PKGNAME     := example.kivy.stch
APPNAME     := Kivy_p4a_Test
DISTNAME    := STCH_Kivy_Test
VERSION     := 0.0.2

jarsigner parameters

  • For the jarsigner parameter, please view up the guide downward:
Parameter Description
KEYSTORE Keystore file name
KSALIAS Alias of Keystore file
KSPASSWD Password of Keystore file
  • Note of the parameter input:
    • If you do not set the KSPASSWD in Makefile or bring this parameter with cmd, you will need to input password of keystore by hand during apk singing.
  • Example input
# jarsigner parameter example
KEYSTORE := stch.keystore
KSALIAS  := stch

Introduction and example of the target

  • all: run apk packing and signing
    • You cna input your keystore password here
$ make KSPASSWD=xxxx
  • deploy: run apk packing, signing and installing
    • Developer should connect to Android platform via adb first
$ make deploy KSPASSWD=xxxx
  • clean: remove generated output *.apk and *.pyc file
$ make clean
  • layout: run basic script to look-up the layout of UI
$ make layout
  • run: execute ./src/main.py for function testing.
    • It may fail to run because of the execution platform is not Android.
$ make run
  • devlist: list connected Android devices.
$ make devlist
  • devcn: connect to Android device
$ make devcn
  • devrc: reconnect the Android device
$ make devrc
  • devdc: disconnect the Android device
$ make devdc

Bluetooth Scan Function Testing

  • With pyjnius module, we can access Java class BluetoothAdapter in Python code.

  • In my testing APP layout, I plan two buttons function related to bluetooth.

    • Left button for getting bluetooth status.
    • Right button for start bluetooth scanning.
  • Callback for the implementation of two functions

  • Don`t forget to add permission downward in the Makefile to get related bluetooth function permission

  • Run make deploy to look-up the result on your Android platform!

Android Service in Python-for-Android

  • Two methods to add service into the APK:
    • Via Service Folder
    • Via Arbitrary service scripts

Service Folder

  • With this method, developer should put the service python code in service\main.py.


  • Then, add service launch function call in the button_click event callback in ./src/main.py:
android.start_service(title='Stch', description='Steven Chen Socket Testing...')
  • After service is launched, you can use logcat command in adb shell to view-up service runtime output by print().
# Content in the Python Service (./src/service/main.py)
print("Hello world from Android Background Service...")


Arbitary Service Script

  • This method allows user add their service scripts (one or more) with specific name.
  • Service with different name can assign different Python file as the function of the service.
    • Developer should declare it in p4a input, including service name and correspond python file.
    • It is suggested that the all alphas in p4a service name declaration is lowercase.
p4a apk --private $(SRC) --requirements=$(REQUIREMENT) \
$(patsubst %,--permission=% ,$(PERMISSION))\

--service=stchservice:serv.py --service=testserv:test.py\

--bootstrap=$(BOOTSTRAP) --arch=$(ARCH) --android_api=$(ANDROAPI) \
--package=$(PKGNAME) --name=$(APPNAME) --dist_name=$(DISTNAME) \
--release --version $(VERSION)


  • For launching service stchservice and testserv, developer should access this activity via Pyjnius module.

    • Service Class Name: autoclass('<PKGNAME>.Service<ServiceName>')
    • Cooperate with org.kivy.android.PythonActivity
  • Example of service launching code in the callback of button clicked.

    • Please note that the first alpha of in <PKGNAME>.Service<ServiceName> should be uppercase, and the other alpha should be lowercase.
service = autoclass('example.kivy.stch.ServiceTestserv')
mActivity = autoclass('org.kivy.android.PythonActivity').mActivity
serv = autoclass('example.kivy.stch.ServiceStchservice')
mact = autoclass('org.kivy.android.PythonActivity').mActivity
argument = ''
service.start(mActivity, argument)
serv.start(mact, argument)
  • After deploying the APP, look-up service runtime output via logcat in adb shell



  • If you want to make service restart automatically, you can set AutoRestartService via mActivity API:
from jnius import autoclass
PythonService = autoclass('org.kivy.android.PythonService')
