Date: October 2019 Project members: Steven Dye and Allison Lee
Goal: To provide recommendations to Microsoft's CEO on how Microsoft should approach the movie industry.
- Define project scope and focus (Both)
- Source data (Both)
- Clean and merge datasets (Both)
- Exploratory data analysis: visualizations (Steven)
- Exploratory data analysis: Tables (Allison)
- Clean jupyter notebook (Allison)
- Merge notebooks into one file (Steven)
- Identify key findings and develop recommendations (Both)
- Create presentation (Both)
- Lint code and edit files (Steven)
Files in the Project folder in the repository:
- Technical.ipynb: Final technical Jupyter notebook documenting code and analysis, written for technical audience
- Narrative.ipynb: Final non-technical Jupyter notebook summarizing findings
- AL_Summary_Tables.ipynb: Draft Jupyter notebook with tables
- SD_Data_visualization.ipynb: Draft Jupyter notebook with visualizations
- Data files:
- bom.movie_gross.csv.gz
- tn_movie_budgets.csv.gz
- final_df.csv
- Powerpoint slidedeck PDF
- Powerpoint file: