
Used as an example project to demonstrate an issue I am having with cross store

Primary LanguageJava

======== This repository contains all code and configurations for the stack overflow question found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30920475/how-can-i-support-cross-store-persistence-on-a-partial-nodeentity-between-neo4j

#build Build the project using gradle, I have included a gradle wrapper in the project. ./gradlew build

#Modify configs Modify the following files to include the postgres database, username and password as well as your neo4j username and password

  • rest/src/main/resources/config/application.yml
  • rest/src/main/com/rest/src/main/com/Neo4jConfig.java

#Run ##Before you run the spring boot app

  • Start your neo4j database

  • Start your postgres database

  • cd rest

  • ./../gradlew bootRun

#Test localhost:8080/users/test