
This paper introduces Aicyber’s system for the Dimensional Sentiment Analysis of Chinese Words in IALP 2016 Shared task

Primary LanguageRoff


Here is the system for following paper, downoad the code and data , one could reproduce all the results.

Aicyber’s System for [IALP 2016 Shared Task](http://nlp.innobic.yzu.edu.tw/tasks/ dsa_w/): Character-enhanced Word Vectors and Boosted Neural Networks

For paper and final test results please refer to the files in paper folder.


##Scikit-learn Install the latest scikit-learn. This will provide most of the regressors and machine learning utilities.

##xgboost Install the xgboost via:

sudo pip install xgboost


##Table 1: Features VS LSVR baseline

python table_1_LSVR.py

Sample output, after 3 rounds of 10 folds cross-validation, the 'MAE', 0.936 is the first value in the Table 1:

load from cache
(0, 'MAE', 0.95422037820373351, 'PCC', 0.72929625905287654, 0.24031305313110352, 'Wed Sep 14 11:41:14 2016', 'Train sahpe:', (1486, 100), 'eval sahpe:', (166, 100))
(1, 'MAE', 0.88660967155777792, 'PCC', 0.79691459045767477, 0.22659897804260254, 'Wed Sep 14 11:41:14 2016', 'Train sahpe:', (1486, 100), 'eval sahpe:', (166, 100))
(2, 'MAE', 0.92380137358766068, 'PCC', 0.73167313941310941, 0.23987698554992676, 'Wed Sep 14 11:41:15 2016', 'Train sahpe:', (1487, 100), 'eval sahpe:', (165, 100))
(3, 'MAE', 0.97292950366904318, 'PCC', 0.72487931346684542, 0.24808311462402344, 'Wed Sep 14 11:41:15 2016', 'Train sahpe:', (1487, 100), 'eval sahpe:', (165, 100))
(4, 'MAE', 0.91984530597533742, 'PCC', 0.78713717096390567, 0.2524690628051758, 'Wed Sep 14 11:41:15 2016', 'Train sahpe:', (1487, 100), 'eval sahpe:', (165, 100))
('###', 'w2v_100_CB', 'MAE', 0.93628075980941383, 'PCC', 0.75431909093171989)

##Table 2: Features VS BNN

python ./table_2_BNN.py


python ./table_3_NN.py
python ./table_3_GBM.py
python ./table_3_XGB.py

##Table 4: PCA100 BNN VS BNN_Norm

python ./table_4_PCA100_BNN.py
python ./table_4_PCA100_BNN_Norm.py