Gzip (Jai)

This is a module for the Jai programming language. It implements a gzip decompressor with a compressor in the works.

How to use

To use this library simply git clone or git submodule add to you projects modules folder (wherever that may be) and start #importing it in your codebase.

The module currently has two main API functions:

unzip  :: (content: [] u8) -> (success: bool, unziped_content: [] u8, header: Zlib_Header)
gunzip :: (content: [] u8) -> (success: bool, unziped_content: [] u8, header: Gzip_Header, footer: Gzip_Footer)

unzip is for zlib compressed data, and gunzip is for gzip compressed data

There are also two convenance functions:

unzip  :: (filename: string) -> (success: bool, unziped_content: [] u8, header: Zlib_Header)
gunzip :: (filename: string) -> (success: bool, unziped_content: [] u8, header: Gzip_Header, footer: Gzip_Footer)

These functions simply read the entire content of the file given by filename and pass that content to the real functions for decompression

The module API may change in the future, as I have plans to add flags to be able to check the validity of the CRC in the footer fo the file, as well as quiet the error logs for those who don't care about why the decoding might have failed. (or at least don't want it release builds?)

There are also plans to add the compressing side to this as well.

Build the tests

In the projects tests folder, run the following command:

jai build.jai

The will produce a executable called test.exe and you can run that to verify the test cases pass.