
A plugin aimed at providing a flickr API within WordPress that also provides some basic functionality via a shortcode and widget.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WP Flickr API

A plugin aimed at providing a flickr API within WordPress that also provides some basic functionality via a shortcode and widget.

This is the development home of the Flickr API Plugin found on the wordpress.org repo here:



The plan for the future of this plugin is to bring it up to date with everything I've learned myself since the initial development but also to benefit from the collaborative space that is github.

So, here's what I hope to do over time:

  • Tidy the codebase
  • Make a better API wrapper class
  • Force use of APC or memcached where possible
  • Make the output more configurable
  • More/better gallery options with touch support
  • ...

There's more to add no doubt, these are just some of my own thoughts so use the issue tracker to make feature request or report bugs and I'll move to a more formal release process to the wordpress.org repository once some milestones are established.

Go fork and codify :)