You are building an app for a Lyft/Uber competitor. The models that you will use for your application are: Passenger, Driver, and Ride.
- A Passenger has many rides
- A Driver has many rides
- A Ride belongs to a passenger and a driver
Always start by drawing out the relationship either on a whiteboard or piece of paper. Think about how each of these models will be connected. From there then begin writing code.
A Passenger should be initialized with a name as a string. After the Passenger has been initialized, it shouldn't be changed.
- Returns the name of the passenger
- Returns an array of Ride instances that this person has been on
- Returns an array of Driver instances that this person has rode with
- Returns the floating number that represents the total distance the passenger has travelled using the service
- Returns an array of all Passengers
- Returns an array of all Passengers who have travelled over 100 miles in total with the service
A Ride should be initialized with a driver (as a Driver object), a passenger (as a Passenger object), and a distance (as a float i.e. 3.2
). The distance refers to miles.
- Returns the Passenger object for that ride
- Returns the Driver object for that ride
- Returns the distance of the ride
- Returns the average distance across ALL rides
A Driver should be initialized with a name as a string.
- Returns an array of all Passengers' names a driver has driven. The names should be unique (no repeats).
- Returns an array of all Rides a driver has made
- Returns the driver's name
- Returns an array of all Drivers
- Takes an argument of a distance (float) and returns an array of all Drivers who have driven over the mileage