
Source codes for the paper "Robustness of Demonstration-based Learning Under Limited Data Scenario"

Primary LanguagePython

Robustness of Demonstration-based Learning Under Limited Data Scenario

This repo contains codes for the following paper:

Hongxin Zhang, Yanzhe Zhang, Ruiyi Zhang and Diyi Yang: Robustness of Demonstration-based Learning Under Limited Data Scenario, EMNLP 2022

If you would like to refer to it, please cite the paper mentioned above.


To run our code, please install all the dependency packages and activate the environment with the following command:

conda env create -f env.yaml
conda activate RobustDemo

Prepare the data

  1. Download the CoNLL03 dataset, OntoNotes 5.0 dataset, NRB(WTS) dataset for NER task and CoNLL00 dataset for Chunking task and prepare them in the data folder properly as follows:
|__ data/
        |__ chk/
                |__ conll2000/
        |__ ner/
                |__ conll2003/
                |__ NRB_WTS/
                |__ ontonotes/
  1. Use the following command (in the root directory) to generate the few-shot data we need:

See tools/sample_greedy.py for more options.

Demonstration mode

Mode Template Description
standard [SEP] {context} {entity} is {tag}. Standard demonstration
standard_wrong [SEP] {context} {entity} is {wrong_tag}. Standard demonstration with Wrong labels
standard_no_l [SEP] {context} Standard demonstration with No label
random_totally [SEP] {totally_randomized_context} Totally Random demonstration
random_support [SEP] {relevant_randomized_context} Support set sampled Random demonstration


Generate Demonstrations

To generate all 5 modes of demonstration mentioned above for model BERT and dataset conll2003, use the following command:

python3 tools/make_demonstration.py --model bert --task ner --dataset conll2003 --k 5shots --mode standard standard_wrong standard_no_l random_totally random_support

Experiments with multiple runs

To carry out experiments with 5 different data splits and 3 different random seeds on dataset conll2003 with model bert-base-cased, run the following command:


Results will be in the output_dir specified within the script, then use the following command to aggregate the results and have the visualizations:

python3 tools/statistics.py --task ner --dataset conll2003 --k 5shots --mode no standard standard_wrong standard_no_l random_totally random_support

See tools/sample_greedy.py for more options.