
This object provides additional enhanced options for WordPress CPT (custom post types) by allowing additional options in the CPT post registration.

Primary LanguagePHP

CPT Extensions

CPT Extensions object provides additional enhanced options for WordPress CPT (custom post types) by allowing additional options in the CPT post registration. The following enhanced options will be enabled when registering custom post types:

Enhanced Register Post Type Features:

  • default_screen_layout - integer, sets the current user's default screen layout which indicates the number of columns when visiting the CPT for the first time. Valid values are 1 or 2, with the current default set to 2 columns.
  • simplify_publish_box - boolean, simplifies the publish metabox by only displaying "Move to Trash", and the "Publish" button.
  • update_bulk_messages - boolean, customize the bulk message that appear when editing or updating CPTs. I.e. "Post published" can become "Site published", etc.
  • dragndrop_sortable - boolean, enables drag and drop re-ordering in list view. Default is false for disabling drag and drop support.
  • metabox_layout - number, indicates enhanced layout to display 0 - normal, 1 - tabbed interface, 2 - wizard like interface.
  • show_edit_slug_box - boolean, determines if the slugbox is displayed.
  • disable_autosave - boolean, determins if WordPress will autosave. Default is false.
  • remove_bulk_actions - array, bulk item operations to remove from the list view drop down combo box, i.e. ['edit', 'trash']. The default is an empty array.
  • remove_row_actions - array, row operations to remove from the list view i.e. ['view', 'edit']. The default is an empty array.
  • remove_quick_edit - boolean, removes the Quick Edit menu option in list view. The default is false to allow the Quick Edit menu to appear.
  • hide_title_field - boolean, hides the title field from the CPT add and edit screen. The default is true to show the title field.
  • menu_icon_font - string, supports the display of an icon font for a menu item. If the given string is presented with a font name and character value, a menu icon css definition is included in the header. Note: the original menu_icon value should be set to an empty string.

Enhanced Labels for Custom Post Type Options:

  • enter_title_here_text - string, the suggestion text that appears in the title area of the CPT "Add New" screen. The default is a localized string for the value 'Enter title here'.

License & Copyright

CPT-Extensions is Copyright Stephen J Carnam 2012, and is offered under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.