
JSON to database import tool with support for PHP serialization.

Primary LanguagePHP


JSON to database import tool with support for PHP serialization.


This command line tool will import the specified JSON file created from the companion tool mysql2json. Auto-detection of objects will be stored as PHP serialized strings.


Type json2mysql --help

JSON2MySQL is a JSON import tool with support for PHP serialization.
Version 2.1.4

Usage: json2mysql [-d dbname, --dbname dbname] [-?, --help] [-h host, --host host (default: localhost)] [-l, --list] [-p password, --password password] [-P port, --port port] [-q, --quiet] [-s, --skip] [-t tables, --tables tables] [-u user, --user user (default: root)] [-v, --version] [json_file]

Optional Arguments:
        -?, --help
                print this help
        -h host, --host host (default: localhost)
                host name or IP address (default: localhost)
        -l, --list
                list tables available for import
        -p password, --password password
                password to connect with (default is none)
        -P port, --port port
                the TCP/IP port number to connect to
        -s, --skip
                skip dropping/creating of existing database
        -t tables, --tables tables
                a comma delimited list of tables (default empty for all)
        -u user, --user user (default: root)
                username to connect as (default: root)
        -q, --quiet
                quiet (no output and default question to yes)
        -v, --version
                output version number
        -d dbname, --dbname dbname
                override, create/import using specified database name
                the json file to import