I love to think of myself as a problem high level of curiosity has played a dominant role in helping me solve problems. just another tech enthusiast
Stevey144's Following
- 3kbestNorway
- brunomagalhaesBlackBean Technologies
- bs-kPoland
- cedric-montagneAdlere
- cvs0@LockScript-Solutions
- dacVancouver, BC, Canada
- dsfbOctaplus Financial Analytics Ltda.
- dudeeka
- Duoru
- emercabValledupar, Colombia
- ernolfMostly in Germany
- FedericoSchonbornBuenos Aires, Argentina
- Havlis23Czech republic
- jmorganp/dev/null
- kszymukowicz@sourcebroker
- leandrouti大阪
- nathanwilk7
- nickklein
- NusclyAkeneo
- omgdoryLas Vegas, NV
- RajeshYukta@RAJEShOne
- rc-centralix@centralixsrl
- RoxaylWAM Intl
- rubekx@TI-DTED-UFMA @ABTMSdev @ntsma
- ScottHelmeUK
- snosratiershadSnapp! Grocery
- SO1315
- squatto@QuadraEcommerce and @BlueHelix
- stasadevUkraine
- stevenMondelaers
- tvlooyBelgium, Beerse
- vasilvestre@akawaka
- veduketToreans Engineering
- viniciusCamargo
- WujidadiTaiwan
- ygxxiiHangzhou, China