Code to test the Sorensen et al. (2008) caribou recovery hypothesis with historical disturbance regimes (fire and industrial disturbance).
This is an example on how to use these module's functions:
fullTable <- fullTableCreation(dataPathGDrive = "",
# Full path to data hosted in google drive. Should be a .zip file of all .rds files from the herds
dataName = file.path(getwd(), "data", "lambdaTableAllScenarios_V3"), # full path to data to be saved without extension
typeOfFile = "csv") # type of file to save, currently supports: "csv" or "rds")
fullPlot <- makeCaribouPlot(dataPath = fullTable, # full data path OR R data.table object
startYear = 1837, # Starting year of time series for plotting
endYear = 2055, # Last year of time series for plotting
periods = c(1937, 2007), # vector of starting years
plotName = file.path(getwd(), "caribouPlot"), # Full path and name of the plot file to be saved without extension
colorCI = c("grey70", "cornflowerblue", "brown1"),
colorLine = c("grey40", "blue3", "red3"),
plotWidth = 1000,
plotHeight = 400,
uploadToGoogleDrive = FALSE)