
For school / deploying to ec2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Botivity: anon-bot

Project Background

The Botivity team is building a Slack bot that allows you to ask anonymous questions in your Slack workspace without risk of embarrassing yourself.

Using the Botkit framework, we have integrated ways to ask questions and up-vote to questions using Slack's amazing features.

The Botivity Team

  • Stewart Thomson -- he/him
  • Kanza Shams -- she/her
  • Onimisi (Oni) Ukanah -- she/her
  • Babalakin (Babs) Oyewumi -- he/him
  • Prayash (Pray) Mishra -- he/him

Using the anon-bot:

Slack slash commands:

  • /ask ${message} --> Posts message onto desired channel.
  • /ask-block [@users] --> Slack admin users have the ability to block users from using the anon-bot. Blocked user are not able to ask questions.
  • /ask-unblock [@users] --> Slack admin users have the ability to un-block users from using the anon-bot.

With more features to come!

Docs for future anon-bot devs