Cross-platform, efficient, customizable, and robust asynchronous HTTP(S)/WebSocket server C++ library with the right balance between performance and ease of use
Pinned issues
- 4
`restinio/0.7.3` not compatible with `boost/1.87.0`
#229 opened by gegles - 3
Tests fail to run: string sub-command JSON failed parsing json string: * Line 1, Column 1
#230 opened by yurivict - 2
Streaming a put request
#228 opened by coding-ige - 4
- 1
cmake version deprecation warning
#225 opened by oschonrock - 2
-std=c++23 breaks compile of expected
#226 opened by oschonrock - 1
server side connection timeout ?
#224 opened by hassan379 - 0
Many tests fail: bind: Address already in use
#223 opened by yurivict - 1 could not be used as CMake external project, in fact it is only suitable for add_subdirectory() to your project
#221 opened by Trotzky - 5
Http server cuts response body
#220 opened by ShipilovDmitry - 2
RESTinio For QNX7.1
#219 opened by FaiqueAli - 1
Many tests fail: failed to start server on bind: Address already in use
#217 opened by yurivict - 1
- 1
display webpage of directory listing
#216 opened by timbo100 - 2
Question: How to get http_server_t<> address
#215 opened by saukijan - 8
allow using catch2 from system
#208 opened by Apteryks - 3
build system regression: RESTINIO_USE_EXTERNAL_SOBJECTIZER no longer available
#207 opened by Apteryks - 0
Do not use SO_REUSEADDR on Window by default
#214 opened by eao197 - 2
Is ninja supported?
#212 opened by wiluite - 2
Slow compilation
#210 opened by alexv-ds - 1
HTTP/2 and HTTP/3
#211 opened by VenmankDev - 0
There is no such type as generic_request_handler_t
#206 opened by eao197 - 0
New overload for sendfile and std::filesystem::path?
#200 opened by eao197 - 0
<algorithm> isn't included in easy_parser.hpp
#198 opened by eao197 - 9
CMake configure fails when using boost asio via find
#201 opened by rcane - 0
There should be operator<< for http_status_code_t
#203 opened by eao197 - 0
static_if_impl has to be replaced with if constexpr
#204 opened by eao197 - 14
- 1
vcpkg should have a variant with RESTinio+Boost.Asio
#202 opened by eao197 - 7
RESTinio CMake issues
#167 opened by Lord-Kamina - 1
#160 opened by eao197 - 3
Upgrade Catch2 to v3
#158 opened by eao197 - 4
clara (used by test suite) abandoned upstream
#181 opened by Apteryks - 0
HTTPS not working
#185 opened by xh321 - 1
- 1
automatically free buffer when request is done
#182 opened by mez0ru - 30
test suite fails in isolated build container
#172 opened by Apteryks - 3
Set handle_request_timeout per route
#180 opened by fdgStilla - 5
Cannot use in CLang C++ 20
#178 opened by ctigrisht - 1
Partial reception of big request bodies
#177 opened by stephenaa - 2
Need for a base class?
#176 opened by gegles - 1
The installed file include/restinio/so5/so_timer_manager.hpp uncludes the header so_5/all.hpp that isn't installed
#175 opened by yurivict - 1
configure doesn't look for asio
#173 opened by yurivict - 1
Use of unmaintained repository Clara
#174 opened by yurivict - 16
Problem with string literals in router.
#166 opened by Lord-Kamina - 1
How to respond to OPTIONS request?
#170 opened by ParkSeungwon - 0
RESTinio can be used in a project where fmtlib is used with FMT_ENFORCE_COMPILE_STRING=1
#165 opened by eao197 - 2
When using RESTINIO_FIND_DEPS=ON and RESTINIO_FMT_HEADER_ONLY=OFF cmake fails on configure step
#159 opened by jonboh - 10
Empty response with the sendfile operation
#164 opened by govinddanil - 0