

Required system dependencies:

  • PostgreSQL (currently version 9.6 in production)
  • wkhtmltopdf (currently version 0.12.5 in production)
  • ImageMagick version 6.4.9+, <= 7
  • Ghostscript

Optional system dependencies:

Initial setup

  • gem install bundler # If you're using rbenv
  • gem install foreman
  • ./bin/setup

Boot application

bundle exec foreman start -e config/development.env

If you want to see the mails being sent from the application you should install mailcatcher and start it up:

mailcatcher -fv

Now you will be able to see the sent emails at

API docs

Our APIs are documented in and When changing these you must generate new PDF versions and place them in public/documentation.

Install MacDown, open the changed API doc file and export to PDF.


The staging and production environment are both running on Heroku - install the Heroku CLI.

Initial setup

Heroku application names:

  • cargoflux-staging
  • cargoflux-production

Setup Git remotes for staging and production:

  • alias oku=/usr/local/bin/heroku # alias because of possible clash with heroku gem
  • oku git:remote -a cargoflux-staging -r heroku-staging
  • oku git:remote -a cargoflux-production -r heroku-production


  • git checkout -b feature/branch # Create a feature branch
  • git push heroku-staging feature/branch:master # Deploy branch to staging
  • oku run -a cargoflux-staging rake db:migrate # Run migrations if needed
  • # Iterate and deploy to staging again
  • git checkout master # Ready for production
  • git merge --squash feature/branch # Keep master history clean
  • git commit
  • git push master
  • git push heroku-production master
  • oku run -a cargoflux-production rake db:migrate # Run migrations in production if needed

For more details read

Private API

The following endpoints are not documented in the public API documentation. This could change in the future.

Import contacts

  • POST /api/v1/customers/address/import imports contacts from the uploaded CSV file.

We have an endpoint which is not publicly documented in the regular (customer) API documentation.

Required parameters:

  • file is the CSV file containing the contacts

The CSV file is expected to be delimited with ; and contain the following columns

  • company
  • attention
  • address_1
  • address_2
  • address_3
  • zip
  • city
  • country_iso
  • state_code
  • phone
  • email

Request with cURL

curl -XPOST -F "access_token=xxx" -F "file=@/path/to/file.csv" ""