
My resume

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Stijn Callebaut's Resume

This repository contains my resume.

The resume is maintained in a JSON file, using the JSONResume schema.

JSONResume is the open source initiative to create a JSON-based standard for resumes.

Creating your own resume

The easiest way to get started is using the JSONResume CLI.

npm install -g resume-cli 

After installation, just use resume init to generate your resume.json. Answer any prompts and a started file with fake data.

All that rests, is installing a theme when used in combination with export. For example the following command installs the flat theme. More info on jsonresume themes can be found on their website.

npm install jsonresume-theme-flat

Handy vsCode tasks

The repo comes with some handy vscode tasks preconfigured for your convenience.

  • validate, to validate your resume against the jsonresume schema
  • export, to export to html or pdf
  • serve, to serve your resume locally

For more info about vscode tasks, check the documentation online.

To do

Below you can find my to-do list to keep enriching my resume and Github repo.

  • create basic json resume
    • add basics
    • add work
    • add education
    • add languages
  • enrich resume
    • add past presentations as projects
    • add interests (? maybe - as duplicate on site and profiles)
    • add skills
  • Enhance developer experience
    • create devcontainer
      • support json and markdown
      • jsonresume cli
      • useful extensions
    • add workflow
      • add test job using resume cli
      • add release job using semantic release
      • add dependabot for actions
      • exclude readme and pipeline updates to trigger the workflow

Dev container setup

As a base dockerfile javascript-node 16, bullseye is used from the vscode devcontainer repo. The development container also contains the following elements:

  • npm packages:
    • resume-cli
  • extenstions:
    • "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint"
    • "jsonresume.vscode-jsonresume"
    • "yzhang.markdown-all-in-one"
    • "bierner.github-markdown-preview"
    • "streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker"
    • "davidanson.vscode-markdownlint"
    • "shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced"
    • "mohsen1.prettify-json"

As my main machine is a Apple M1 a dirty workaround is needed. The resume-cli Github issue #590 has all info needed.

For reference:

ENV PUPPETEER_EXECUTABLE_PATH=/usr/bin/chromium-browser
RUN npm install -g resume-cli --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root
RUN npm install jsonresume-theme-even
RUN ln /usr/bin/chromium /usr/bin/chromium-browser