
Feel free to contribute to this website, like fixing any spelling errors or any other errors that you encounter.

Any fixes will gladly be accepted. Please contact me at woozie#5981 on discord if you are interested in being a collaborator, then we'll talk about it.

EDIT: We dont need any collaborators, we have too many...


Unless stated otherwise, I am not the creator nor intellectual owner of a file on my downloads page. If you want a takedown of your file, contact me or other collaborators on our discord.

How was this made?

My friend said something about saving files in his USB drive and then make a download server, i had a idea of a download site.

The name was Catload (short for Catdownload). Yeah it was pretty dumb.

Then, Hedy said he wanted to do something with the base HTML. So i made a repo for this.

billygoat891 said he would help.

Then, i made 2 branches, and billy made one.

His branch is now the default one.