
Introduction to randomisation, bootstrap, and Mote Carlo methods in R

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Introduction to randomisation, bootstrap, and Monte Carlo methods in R

(An intermediate session lead by Brad Duthie.)

These are the files which Brad will use during the session to explain these techniques. You can download them to take a proper look over the notes, slides, and example script/s.

randomisation.R is an example script.

randomisation_notes.html has comprehensive details which aim to help get you started. View the notes in your browser here: https://stirlingcodingclub.github.io/randomisation/randomisation_notes.html

randomisation_slides.pdf is the presentation which compliments those notes.

The RMarkdown files (*.Rmd) which have been used to generate the slides and the notes are also included.

How to download these files

Basic method

  1. Click the green Clone or Download button in the top right.
  2. Click Download ZIP.

Via RStudio

  1. From the project dropdown in the top right, choose Create Project.
  2. Select Version Control from the options.
  3. Choose Git.
  4. Add the following as the repository URL: https://github.com/StirlingCodingClub/randomisation.git
  5. Choose a folder location and create the project.

With Terminal

Navigate to the directory you want to clone this repository into and run:

git clone git@github.com:StirlingCodingClub/randomisation.git