
Leveraging UIPresentationController, this animation mimics the iOS Mail app's compose animation.

Primary LanguageSwift


Leveraging UIPresentationController, this animation mimics the iOS Mail app's compose animation. This is intended as a code example, not a drag-n-drop library for use in a production Xcode project.

You can find the a great tutorial on UIPresentationController by Sam Davies here: https://www.shinobicontrols.com/blog/posts/2014/09/04/ios8-day-by-day-day-24-presentation-controllers

Source code for Sam Davies' presentation: https://github.com/ShinobiControls/iOS8-day-by-day

A very helpful video WWDC 2014 related to UIPresentationController, in general, is A Look Inside Presentation Controllers found here: https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2014/

Source code for the WWDC 2014 presentation is: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/samplecode/LookInside/LookInsidePresentationControllersAdaptivityandCustomAnimatorObjects.zip

Last but not least is our Stack Overflow conversation about this animation. If you have questions, please respond to this thread: