
Dockerd Angular + Play Framework university team project

Primary LanguageJava

HSRO - WT Project Build Status


The deployment runs automatically with Travis CI, travis automatically builds (on every commit) the Docker-Images and uploads them (on every tag-push) to GitHub Releases.

Why docker-compose

docker-compose creates and runs four images for the website, the first one is the Frontend with a nginx webserver which serves the static html, the seccond is the playframework Backend. The third and the fourth containers are the Database and PhpMyAdmin for administration. Running the project as mentioned below, will create four indepentend containers - which will communicate with each other.


To run the site, you need to download docker-compose.yml, FRONTEND_IMAGE.tar and BACKEND_IMAGE.tar from GitHub Releases. After downloading the archives, run the following two commands to load the images into your local registry:

  • docker load < FRONTEND_IMAGE.tar
  • docker load < BACKEND_IMAGE.tar


To the run the web image you need docker-compose:

  • docker-compose up -d

Known issues

On the first run of docker-compose up the backened sometimes will crash. Just wait for all other services (containers) to be started completely, then Strg + C out of the command and run the following command:

  • docker ps -a

You should see a list of all containers. There should be an container with the image stiviik/hsro-wt-project/backend, get the container name and run the following command and replace <CONTAINER> with the name you got:

  • docker rm <CONTAINRR>

If you retry the docker-compose up now, everything should run without an container to crash.


Stop the services

  • docker-compose stop

Clean up docker-compose

  • docker-compose rm